235/40/17 federial tires

i need 2 federial tires! i guess u can’t get them in canada! !!! there made for drifting! email me Scourse@kingston.net

they’re made for drifting?

its about time someone made tires that break traction! All this time!

Federal tires are just another cheap-o tire made in China. What great marketing! Slap the word “drift” on them and watch people line up for junk. I’d really be interested to know what makes them special “drifting” tires. lol.

Still, if your heart is set on these I’m sure most independant tire stores could order them for you.

they might be cheap o tire and yes they do come from japan!!! but yeah they are made for drifting i dunno what makes them for drifting but thats what there advertising!

and no u can;t get them in canada u can only bring them or ship them over the boarder!! i need these tires plz if u have some pm or email me thanx

is this real? Not the tires, Im sure they’re real. But are you serious? Do you even exist?

what are u on ? do u speckanzy the english?

yo where can i get a drift kit

Skinny… ur gonna get burnt…

buy some bald tires. That will do.