24 hour chinese restaraunt??

Does anyone know of any chinese places that are open 24 hrs? me and my gf are crazy in the mood for chinese right now.

aww mAAnnnn, munchies that badddd… duuuudeeee.

I dont know of any but if you find one let me know… I effin love chinese

Ya I know man. Someone has to know of one around Buffalo!!!

there is no such thing

yings is open pretty damn late

Yings, but it’s heinous.

+1 for using the word heinous.

+1 for deciding to get Gin Gin before work tonight too…

Sorry about missing your party man, got the IM too late, plus had a real busy w/e.

heinous reminds me of law and order.

some bitches got raped again…

ya, just got yings… gave in… not the best but it worked.

SURPRISINGLY, i talked to the owner and the head chef. When I was like “oh, I’m from NYC, and I like yadda yadda…” he came out and busted out some fucking kickass REAL Chinese shit.

Like, better than gin gins, better than uncle johns. But it was only a select few dishes that were that good. But agreed - the normal Chinese food there is pretty not so good lol

OT: gin gins new spot is nice. however, waiting an hour for chinese food cause they are so busy is just wrong.

It reminds me of the lawyer in My Cousin Vinny.

+1 i may be in for gin gin tonight

where is gin gins new spot?

corner of sweet home and sheridan. the old indian place.