24 Hour of LeMons: Detroit Bull Oil GP recap

This marked our 4th LeMons race of this year, in the last year and week the car has done 86+ hours of racing (not including practice). The race was held at GingerMan Raceway in South Haven, MI. They used the “old” shorter and safer track configuration, which is better for the brakes and the lifespan of the crap cans competing. Traffic was better with 71 cars up from 54 in April.

Friday practice: “we forgot to latch the roof”

So we tried a different theme trying to be the tallest LeMon ever (car behind the pink VW).


You can see us at 0:20-0:25 in the video:

But the giraffe was deemed “unsafe at any speed” by Jay so we had to shorten it and put it in the trunk.

Saturday: The quick version is; our driving was fantastic, the car piloted by the “Texas Ricer” recorded a lap 3 seconds faster than spring (due to wider tires, weight reduction, and questionable better aero). Pit stops dead on: 10 gallons of gas, driver change, go. Weather & track conditions, perfect. Car ran flawlessly, well o.k., pretty damn good for a beat to shit Nissan. Transponder, decided it only wanted to transpondicize laps every now or then. So what should have been 1:50 ish laps every time the car went by the front straight turned into a 13:35 lap every seven times the car went by.

Yeah, the paint is super :gay:

Sunday: We moved the location of the transponder but still were getting double laps from time to time. We knew we were screwed anyways so we put on used up tires and brakes and had fun. Winning is cool, but driving with nothing to lose has its benefits too.

So we finished 14th out of 71, scored 57 laps down. Even with goofing around on Sunday we should have finished ~5th, but all that means is we were the 13th looser and not the 4th looser.

The Uber Gallery:

Other LeMons coverge:

Don’t forget about this gem during practice!

jon, I wanna get that vid from the green flag on day one. And I’m seeing if I can get off of work for miami if there is still a spot open.
Just a side not bored at work, after the first stint, I calced us sitting 2 laps in the lead after hour 2 minus that pit to adjust the trasponder. hard to be sure though with yellows. I looked at a bunch other cars and tried to figure out what time the track went yellow.

lol, nice umbrella girl.
