24 Hours LeMons

Any one got to one of these? Raced in one? I am thinking of racing one.

LOL thought you spelled it wrong at first… looks like fun

OVERALL WINNER: #27, Booby Prize Racing (1996 Nissan 200SX, Williamsville NY)

5 driver team, 4 of which I know are on these boards. All drivers regular auto-x’ers with only 2 or 3 of the drivers having any real road course experience. This page of the link should pretty much tell you something.

We’re gonna go it this year as well.

I don’t see any events listed this year that are a full 24 hours.

yea, 12 + 12 is all I saw, kind of sucks, but, oh well. racing’s racing.

I would like to drive in this, sounds like a good time


Ken showed me that last week. I’m just waiting for them to fill in more of the rules section of the site.

Looks like we found a car. I know, BIG. We are all in our 40s and have had a lot of experience on these things so this might be it. Going to be hard on the rubber.

I want to run two races next year one near here and the Rod Blagojevich Never-Say-Die 500 in Chicago since thats where I am from and where most of my team still lives.

For those that ran how banged up was the car after the race? I wold like to buy you a bear and hear about it sometime.

I’ve always wanted a bear!

The car was only banged up because ken decided to go on a little farming excursion into the tire wall. I really expected it to be a demolition derby at the beginning, but it really was far from it. Their penalties are pretty stiff, and the number of newbie drivers meant that there was very little contact, if any at all.

I was thinking beer (bear goes through spell check too) But if you are helpful enough we can talk about a bear for you.

Did not look like there was much contact in recent event videos but in early races it looked rough.

contact happens but its forwned upon with strange pig kissing penaltys.


After this quote, from you, I expected pics… I will go look in NWS

I have put together a team from rochester. We are planning on going to “Capitol Offense” and “New England” LeMons races this year.
We need to get the car to run first…at least on more than 2 cylinders…LOL.

Anybody want to sell a 90 crx rollcage ?

Be about it, don’t talk about it.

See you there,
Booby Prize Racing

Did this in 08. Was an amazing time. Wish I could do it again.

Are you all signed up? 4 days left.

Yup, we are all good. Got acceptance email Monday morning. Baghdad Taxi will be rolling to W.Va !