240sx transformation

se’s came 5 lug the base models came 4. hey 90na300zx how do you like my taste in callipers too!

wow i just dug up an old pic of my engine bay from before i tore it down. what a difference! im embarassed at how terrible it looked before.



:tup: nice hard work, its going to feel so good once you take it out for the first time.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH…i have the same calipers on my maxima too

i thought the calipers looked familiar, but i didnt wanna say something and be wrong… :tup:

now to go with the wheels and brakes, why dont you toss a vg30dett in there?

man i wish i still had my s14 as it was originally… :tup:

and wtf @ the running with no bov comments, as if atmospheric bov’s weren’t ricer enough people are running bov-less for cool sounds now?!

no im not running it for the cool ricer sound. i just want to figure out which one i want. im thinking about goin with tial but im not sure. and im kinda broke atm. i tossed around the idea of putting a 350 chevy in it. but then i just realized its pretty gay. but you can pretty much build a 400+ hp 350 for about 2 grand at most. i still might build a s13 hatch drag car with a 350 and a solid axel gutted and caged.

psh im a 17 year old poor ass kid restoring a car. if i can do it at my age and with a crappy job like i have anyone can do it. you just gotta get your priorities in order. (save for apartment for college, save for college, bills, gas, then car, if theres money left over)

im only 18!:smiley:

see everyone,

it can be done!!:headbang:

it can be done, doesn’t mean it’s a good idea :lol:

haha touche.

at least it keeps me outta drugs and other trouble :tup:

^^ thats good :smiley:

yup! i <3 cars basically more than anything. greatest thing that ever happened to me. i cant wait til im outta highschool and i can pursure working with/ on cars for a living. UTI of sacramento…august cant come soon enough!!! :smiley:

just went went and cranked her over and she started right up! im so excited! it felt like such an accomplishment when she kicked over. i want to go out and check oil pressure tomorow and make sure that is all good though.

I wasn’t running without a bov, just i got a cheap bov when i first put my turbo on and well the bov didn’t work. I got a good bov that works now, but the compressor surge was a cool sound.

congradulations, must feel real good.

im thinkin about goin with a ssqv. i know someone gettin rid of one bnib with a aluminum flange for 180 shipped so i think im gonna do that. anyone have any input on the ssqv before i buy it?

a ssqv toasted my 1600 dollar gt3040r

id say go with the PFC. lots of 240 guys have had much better luck with it, more so than the aem unit.