259 Car pile up on the Autobahn

Found it on RFD.


Old already but I just saw it today.

I’m going to wait for Ahmed to chime in about his favourite highway in the world :smiley:

its like im really playing burnout!

that should buff out

lol one incident no matter how catastrophic doesn’t change the fact the roads, laws and drivers in germany far better than here.

The only law I commend Ontario on is allowing turning right on red lights when no one is around. I can’t live without this. Stupid Quebec needs to implement it too.

People crash every single day here in traffic jams at 10km/hr causing more traffic jams its pretty sweet to witness every day, gets you all nice and bloody eyed/pissed off on the way to work or back. And the roads are indefinitely under construction and never get repaired. When they do get repaired they suck two weeks after and start falling apart requiring more construction. No point in denying it, this is the state of affairs on our roads.

At least 66 people have been injured in a mass pile-up involving 259 cars on a motorway in north Germany, police say.

If this was canada one accident would cause 20 fatalities and require ten new traffic laws.

“I have not seen anything like this before. I have seen many accidents but never a pile-up this size,” said firefighter Klaus Wulfes.

Here firefighers are used to take promenades to flip the moron that just flipped his car at 60km/hr in rush hour.

Police said the pile-up was believed to have been caused by a combination of heavy rain and excessive speed.

Just wait for some new draconian laws that will earn lots of revenue for G8 countries and fuel a new world order that will spy on us under the guise of security and our own safety… while making us all green and someone else’s pockets greener.

you need to learn of about a magical plant called marijuana and chill out broski.

^There is nothing wrong with what he just said…

Manji gone wrong?

He’s just way to excited to unload his vast knowledge upon us! He needs to relax and not sketch out about spy’s and shit. Actually he might have smoked him self paranoid.

lol @ everyone

This/that is fucked.

Thats alot of cars, damnn

whats the date that this happened? recently? My gf is in europe right now…