27 dead in school shooting

Your argument assumes certain things in order to work.

If the person is

a) illogical/insane or has some kind of mental defect
b) has no value in his life and isn’t expecting to live at the end of his doing

Your argument doesn’t work. These people go on suicide missions and don’t expect to come out of them, you can’t tell them “hey if you fuck with me, I’ll shoot you”, when they don’t value their own life.

Isn’t part of the whole “leave guns alone they aren’t an issue” argument is that anything can be used as a weapon to kill the man such as knives or even a pen?

Give the teachers ninja stars for all I care, the point is a teacher is NOT the same as an armed guard. And if an armed guard spend 99% of his time with a blackboard and 30 kids in front of him learning, he wouldn’t be much of an armed guard as his attention would be dedicated to something else entirely.

Not to mention military spends a lot of money and a lot of training to make soldiers ready and willing to kill. Just cause you give teachers weapons it doesn’t make them shooting back heros.

This argument is stupid.

I’ll say the same thing I said many times before.

Whether you’re pro gun or anti gun you can’t come up with a solution to stop this that actually works. Whether it be arming everybody to the teeth, or stripping everybody away.

Blame the mother who raised the maniac and didn’t secure her weapons allowing herself to be killed by her own gun.

  1. If you’re about to shoot up a school and you know there is an armed guard there, he simply becomes your first target
  2. what if the shooter is happy with ~10 people dead, so he just goes in the other end of the school and kills his targets before taking his own life or waiting for the security guy to run over (if left alive)
  3. what schools are going to have these guards? Colleges? Highschools? Middle? Elementary? Kindergarden? ALL of them? Where would you stop? Regardless of this shooting an armed guard in front of a kindergarden/elementary school is ridiculous.

You can never strip all the guns away, it’s just not possible

I concur.

Same way as you can’t arm and properly train everybody and expect them to use it dillgently at a moments notice.

Mike you USED to be right but not anymore… Now they all get the same punishment and stuck in the same class.

Unfortunately no one on here has the “Right” answer, and even if you did, no one important enough to make shit happen gives two fucks…

Home school /thread :rofl

edit: Fuck it, every kid by the age of 10 has a goddamn ipad and iphone… just skip K-12 and send them to the university of pheonix

I am sure it depends on the school. Last i talked to my sister and mom, there still is a “special ed” “class” at AHS.

Special education students are not the same as problem students. Special education students are also blended with mainstream students as often as possible as long as their presence doesn’t interfere with mainstream student’s education.

Just realized that these people are essentially one man, home grown, suicide terrorists.


People are being nearsighted about this.
“Ban guns”, “arm everyone” - none of this does anything, it’s reactive.
Proactive approach would be to make it hard enough for these people to get guns legally where they’d give up trying. Here’s a hint - mentally stable individuals do not go on shooting sprees, so those that aren’t shouldn’t have access to guns, just like violent ex-cons.
You want a gun? Ok, you’ll need a license (just like drivers) and part of getting one will include a psych evaluation, with, let’s say, a retest every 5 years. Live with other people in the household? They’ll need to get evaluated too.

no one has the right answer?

did you read every post?

sounds like a good approach. but that still will not prevent someone from killing kids at a school. paper laws are not the answer

they make assult shovels now. should we get shovel permits?

just about anything can be used as a weapon. it depends what the user wants to use it for.

i think we should invest into parents, kids and the future i said it before. we should try a real approach. taking guns from good people is not the answer. limiting what gun someone has is not the answwer. you can get killed just as easy with a home made ak as you can by a single shot encore.

we need better people everywhere. something creates bad people. something creates good people. lets find out what they are and make this world a better place for you and me.

Here we go with the “good people” again.

Everybody is good until they go bad :rofl

I agree 100%, we are animals too and can snap at any time.

As a gun owner it is your responsibilty to keep your firearms securely locked up, so that anyone else can not get ahold of them. that’s rule #1
this guy didn’t go walk into a store and buy a gun to commit this crime, he stole this gun. the gun should not have been accessable to him.
I hate to say this, in the wake of tragety, but if his mother was still alive you bet your ass she’d be held accountable for not keeping her gun securely locked up.

Here’s the deal. I don’t give a fuck if the pussies of the world don’t want to carry a gun to defend themselves. I choose to own and carry(as soon as my permit comes), it’s my right and I will die to defend it. I will not be held to a standard of weakness because others around me will not grow a set and accept responsibility for their own protection.

There seems to be a lot of chatter about an incoming ban being a sure thing.
Not a “black rifle ban” this time either, an all-out ban on semi-auto rifles, possibly with current owner registration. People swept the stores clean overnight of everything in AR, AK, .223, 5.55 and 7.62. Thoughts?

I’ll fucking cut somebody.

Just bought a cannon.