2nd Annual Lia Collision Center Car Show: July 24th, 2011

I’m going to assume that comment was directed towards 88slowmarro as I’ve never been confronted by anyone before. I do fit that description though, I’m overweight and drive a Camaro. I know that in his situation that he didn’t tuck tail, he just talked over the situation and realized it’s easier to co-exist and just not give a fuck about each other.

As I said before, I’ve yet to be confronted. Go ahead and try if you feel game, I don’t care. I will let you know right now that I have a tendency to go absolutely ballistic when put on the spot and shit might go down.



I was nice to you in person. Where am i trying to act tough? I commented your bike, yoir ability as a rider etc. Im not trying to fight you and im not verbally eating your ass. No one has a problem with you and you like are dying to make it that way. Id love to know all these people that are talking about me behind my back to you. Please, fill me in.

Vlad let him back on for area .I need to know if he was talkin bout me

Well he sure as fuck wasn’t talking about me as I don’t think he knows what I drive and I’ve never been confronted by any goons.


Im not a peepee toucher

It was the black one and he had it patched up and traded it in on the blue one.

Ask the guy that was on here who threatened John and confronted him with a screwdriver how John backs down.

maybe im the overweight camaro guy LOL

wait, maybe im the overweight camaro guy?



wait, maybe every camaro guy is overweight???

I am pretty sure 95% of Camaro owners are overweight.

I think im the only midget underweight camaro owner here.


:rofl jk

nope we are all fat! even drew is at heart!

that is true. I eat more then a fatty

yea cuz thats what i do.

I am soon to be a camaro owner, and I am skinny as a rail.


Anyone here see a trend?

Holyer than thou attitudes. More than average income. Roided out or at least looks roided out gym rat tough guys. Jersyshore look a like contest winners. Would rather get arrested for assault than act like a responsible adult. FUCKING RETARDED GOONS ALLLL OVER THE 518 CAR COMMUNITY!

People need to step up their values ITC (in this community) and just blend the fuck in with everyone. It really isnt that fucking hard to do.
