2nd TNC meet pics.

nice pics! gonna have to live with pics for the coming months…my baby’s gonna hibernate this weekend :frowning:

lol i have to drive mine during the winter :S oh well

Holy shit, dude… go to bed! I have an excuse to be up right now… trying to finish some facking paperwork before I hop a plane… what’s yours? :smiley:

that link is asking me to sign in with torres’s account, i tried signing in with my account and browsing for his name on photobuc. but its asking me to sign in with his account…i want to see these pics!

edit nevermind…just saw that he had his pass. there

it’s safe to assume you’re not driving on your gravity rims right?!?

hell no… im taking them off tomorrow actually :slight_smile:

lol man i dont sleep… im a night hawk my excuse is to watch the forums might be some spammers hehe… never know plus i have no life… :S

your car just aint going to look the same without those sexy rims.