2TurboZ vs. Clean Baldy

Awesome pics! :tup:

I didn’t realize there is an actual Random Pics thread… I’ll post my random pics there :slight_smile:

Holy Fuck dude… :picard: Go try out for a Nascar team or something.

Nice pics of the Z…stupid fucking pics of the mall and wind turbines and hummer.


Ummm… yea.

Honest to god…you should have the new “Look at me” title.


Do I even know you, or have I ever talked to you? Why are you speaking to me? The “look at me” title? I have only 773 posts. Not exactly “look at me” is it? You’re the idiot. I share my first pictures EVER and have one other fun post (in Off Topic) within 24 hours and all of a sudden I’m starving for attention?

It’s 1 AM, I’m bored and awake. Why not post random shit on NYSpeed? I see you’re making attention for yourself as well. Mine was positive whereas Mr. Uber Hater, you seem to hate everyone and be negative?

It’s funny how I have NO CLUE who you are, yet I am somehow in your signature as if it is important to anyone other than yourself. Looking at your post count, perhaps you should get off of the computer from time to time. It is NOT reality… nor is my NASCAR post!

Ever hear of STIRRING SHIT UP?! :rofl: I have NO racing experience, why would I be invited to a NASCAR anything? :rofl:
My friend did say he was in the pits and we had a fun “what if” discussion. I decided to post it here and have a little fun with it.

You = gullible

There. Do you feel better now that you’ve actually gotten my attention? :rofl: :picard:

EDIT: Wait a second… you’re 28 years old? Really? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Holy shit, grow up. “Uber Hater?” I’d expect an 18 year old kid who e-thugs to have a title like that.

Kyle is awesome

…making popcorn…



Dont be upset I am far more awesome than you.

Its only the internetz…you should be proud to be in my sig…its about the only useful thing your user name applies to on this forum.


Where’s the anger to the OP for his randomness in Off Topic?

At 28 years old you shouldn’t be proud that you’ve gotten under someones skin BTW. I saw your post and I instantly said “What a double standard. I post something random in Off Topic that had to do with cars and get bitched at and someone else posts the very next day about something completely random and it’s O.K. by this guy?”

Seriously, do you know me in real life? Have I done something I don’t know about? I have been on here helping people fix their computers mostly. Did I fix a computer of someone you don’t like?

And as for the “dildo?” question, I’ll ask questions to the question. Do women say “No.” if you pull it out in the bedroom? Is there a woman on the planet that actually doesn’t like foreplay with them?

omg dude chillz.

You are a different breed of person. I can’t explain what I just typed, but just smile and nod.


A guy posted pictures of his car with a thread title PICTURES OF MY Z and you go and post some random fag pictures of a mall and windmills and a lame ass H2 on gawdy wheels.

You are a fucking moron and I cannot believe you would even question me. :banghead:

LOL at Baldy. You deff take what 2TZ posted way too serious.


It was 1 AM, give me a break. I took em down once I realized I accidentally hijacked. You didn’t have to act like I should be shot. I was tired, looking at my pictures from my vacation I just got back from and saw someone post up pictures. I figured “I’ll share a couple too.”

Damn. Even though everyone on this website keeps getting older, I cannot believe the same shit still goes on.

I guess I’ll stick to just helping people with their computers and posting up random replies when I’m bored. I’ll try not to piss you off 2TurboZ since apparently with your massive amounts of random and angry posts you seem to have somehow gained respect among the internetz.

I’m glad I type fast. At least I didn’t waste much time typing.

Why wouldn’t I question you? It’s just baffling that someone the exact same age as me can act the way you do. And the hatred you seem to show towards me is unreal. Almost as if I had sex with your sister or something and the hate has been building up for years. Or, do you just hate your life and sit online all day? Are you an overweight guy, losing his hair, alone and haven’t had sex in years? The frustrations building and instead of hanging yourself in the basement you find some unsuspecting victim on NYSpeed at 1AM to let the aggression out on?

I didn’t know you even existed 3 days ago. Maybe I’ll just go back to having you not exist anymore. You have some issues I think you should deal with. You don’t even know me yet you judge me. I find that very odd.

<~~~ I win again.

If that was your goal, than bravo for winning the “I never want to grow up” award. You’ve acted like a 16 year old, wooptie doo.

:tup: :tup: to you.
