3/19 St. Patties Parade

Wow that was one expensive beer, hope it was good.:roll2:


it was freeeezing out. it took me a good 20 minutes to start getting feeling back in my limbs once we got inside. thank goodness for lots of rum and coke!

Are you for real? It’s a good thing I did not go then. I would have been right next to you getting one also…

they just told us to go into arby’s and get a top for it :tup: cool cops i dealt with

lotta fun, feelin’ it today though…

went to the parade at like 1, my friends got there at about 10am before anyone else was there at all. ALL SHITFACED! the channel 2 news guy kept hanging around us taping all of the drunkin stupidity. He kept telling us to stop certain things because he cant put them on TV lol

Following the parade, we went to the real after party (no stupid downtown bs) at Doc Sullivans in S. buffalo, and hung out there untill 11. I felt pretty good, but my GF kept me up all night she was in so much pain from all of the alcohol

yeah the people i was with went to docs but i had to work :bloated: