St. Patty's and open container law

So I hear on the radio that the open container law will be fully enforced during the parade this weekend…Isn’t that the whole point of going to the city for the parade to be able to drink outside and enjoy the atmosphere? I’ve never been down there for St. Patty’s, but I was considering going this year until I heard that. Whats the deal? Would it still be a good time?

Hopefully it works. I have to spend Saturday in the office and the last thing I need is to listen to a thousand drunks outside the office and get pissed on my some guy that is half passed out outside my building.

Oh lighten up, its only one day a year… and your bitter because you have to work!

Actually, I could care less that I am working. The last place I would spend my saturday off is downtown, in the cold, with a bunch of obnoxius drunks. All of the bars open at like 7AM, why can’t people just drink there?

PITTSBURGH - Pittsburgh is shortening the time open containers of alcohol will be allowed during the St. Patrick’s Day parade.

Open containers will be permitted in downtown’s Market Square from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, instead of 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Officials say the change is to prevent people from starting to drink three hours before the parade begins.

Alcohol consumption along the parade route will be prohibited.

Officials say public drunkenness and unruly behavior among the 250,000 people who come to the parade has increased over the years.

About 90 additional police officers, including 16 roving drunken driving patrols, also will be deployed Saturday.

Mayor Luke Ravenstahl says the changes are to ensure the parade is family-friendly.

Eh, 6 hours is enough for me. I’ll probably be bored in about one hour.

Put it in a non-conspicuous container. Taadaaa!

Yeah… I have never been to a St. Pattys event downtown… the only way I start drinking that early is at a motocross national! St. Patty’s day does not really interest me that much, I might go down this year to see what its all about… all of my alcoholic friends think its better than Christmas… go figure…

last year i fit a 1/5 of soco/coke in 5 or 6 20oz bottles and got lit up…plus a few beers and then the bar crawl

i heard about this on dve this morning but i only caught the part where no open alcoholic containers around the parade route.


ehh… Whatever! They have enough underagers to worry about then me drinking out of a random container. This will be my fifth year participating in this crazy event. I love everything about it!

Regardless, I am usually so lit when it comes parade time I am not even worried about drinking. I am worried about pissing every 5 seconds!

Dust off the ol’ beard yet?

I was very much looking forward to this event, but I have to go down to OC for a “Remembrance of Life” for my step-uncle who got killed a few weeks back. :frowning:

st pattys day parade is no different than any suday during football season in pittsburgh.

with that said st pattys day parade is my favorite event of the year… except when fat drunk girls piss on the sidwalk in front of me… anyone wanna find that thread from two years ago… i’m still tramatized.

LOL! that was great

I grew a real one for this year. At this time I have not purchased any costume for this year, but I might break out a lil something something.

Probably not going to the parade, but I’ll be in the southside on saturday. Cant wait!

EDIT: red bull and gray goose in a Mt. Dew big slam bottle looks an awful lot like Mountain Dew.

One word… CAMELPAK

:yum: :yum: makes me :greddy:

Camelbak?:bowrofl: They work well, cause the siphon tube is at the bottom…foam is at the top.