Anyone going to the parade downtown? Im going down around 1 and will be usually at the gas station right next to Colter bay. Parade starts at 2…
fuck the parade this yr
yea, i’ll be down there. not sure where tho. i read in the paper yesterday that the buffalo police are going to make sure that vendors are selling beer illegally, and going to be giveing tickets for open containers and to rowdy people
ill be there. duh.
I shuold be down… Spence I will give you a ring when i get out there
God this weekend is wearing me out
:tdown: to buffalo police not letting anyone having fun
i’ll be down there
Im trying to find people to go with right now.
eh…i was thinking about it.
Hmmm thanks for the heads up, i guess ill just see what the deal is when I get down there and feel it out
wow that sounds pretty gay about hte cops. anyways i forgot i got ppl comin over later on so no DT for me today. probably a good thing LoL
last year when i went it was a blast…started drinkin DT at 9am, lol…
i go back to school tomorrow and have lots of stuff to do …so the parade is a no go this year for me…
have fun though…hope the cops wont be jerks
Its too cold for my punk as$
sorry i couldn’t make it out this morning…i had a lot of stuff to get done today and am still recovering from this weekend LOL
cops were out, you got busted if you didnt have your preferred beverage in a cup. They just made you pour it out, unless your name is Jeller.
BPD Gave me a fooking ticket = Ghey= $52.50 ticket fucking assholes. I had it in a cup, and I was hanging out with a bunch of senoirs :cjerk:
ugh just getting home and so tired
went it was a good time :tup:
yea it was a pretty good time, we stood right outside of spot coffee. the cop there didnt care. but i heard that a few people got tickets for j-walking when they cut through the parade
there were a few dick cops… i got a little mouthy … over it was a good time … most of the cops didn’t care just a few dick cops … the cold and wind kicked my ass just waking up still