dude, ive got gas money, lol … come get my ass, and ill help you with the sound deadening afterwards too
im gonna swing by at 3:30… i gotta run to walmart and pepboys… just got some shit to do to the bike… maybe ill go for the cruise to… who knows… im crazy like that :roll:
dirty what do u drive?
hoppin in the shower now…then i have to head out to get the gf…which will include me doing a ricer flyby of mighty…then i’ll come back so dont worry
no car
maybe next time
leaving right now… well in 5 minutes…
ill be there around 3:45
I may be there a little after 4 I gotta run the “whip” through delta
i think im rollin up with 98teg in his 11’s bmw
good times :tup:
ill post some pics in a lil bit
and then the wiper broke… mad downforce will do that
wheres the pic of 98teg’s beater?
i didnt get one of it… anybody else?
any pics of my car?
ill check later… i gotta do some shit… nothing of quality… my camera isnt that great and we were moving in all the pics…
besides you were always a mile in front of us…
bah. i bet it will fit, i work there. we have corvettes come through no problem.