3 Bar Map sensor Locally

The map sensor on my car is reading off, i think it was reading the same last year but now i really just noticed it (before it was metric Kpa and i never converted accuratly to mmHg)

i CAN tune the car on the off calibrated map sensor since its all relative, but if i ever have to change map sensors the thing is gonna need to be retuned

so who has a 3 bar locally or something i can borrow just for tommorow (gettin tuned @ 230)

what are you talking about? a map sensor converts pressure to volts. it doesnt have anything to do with kpa, psi, or bar.

maybe i need more coffee

its reading the wrong VOLTS at the wrong pressure, when i started it up without the car running it was reading -12 psi (converted by my haltech)

Since I’m tuning the car you could ask me…and I have them in stock. :slight_smile:

Sometimes when you read a pressure sensor through standalone software with the car off they read wrong. On an AEM EMS they do just what you’re saying.

Does it read ok with the car on?

i was gonna ask u, but i didnt think ud appreciate the call at 12 last nite

ill check how its running when its on, but the car stillruns/drives fine

If the car drives fine the MAP sensor works. :wink:

ah, now i see