300c Passenger is straped

headin down through the backroad between mine and quiks house. With quik and oneslowbowtie not to far behind in his truck.

Midnight Blue 300c gets beside like he wants to race.
( 2-3 Mile open straight ) why else to pace me at 60mph:rolleyes: in a 35mph zone
I yell over you want to race, go on 3.

Passenger is saying WHAT !?
Go on 3
Passenger You wanna get shot instead !!!
Raises up a Handgun :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I wasnt sticking around long enough to find out :down:

Quik followed him the entire way and had no clue what happend :eek4:

300c’s are turning into driveby shooting vehicles, everytime i see one it’s always creeping down the road with limo tint just ready to bust a cap

ps where were you at

I was in between sewickley and the rocks

so you wanted to roll race? :kekegay:

of course :blue:

some people are so retarded these days

shoulda dropped back, got the plate number and called the cops :rofl::rofl::rofl:

thats what u get for trying to roll race!


you should have raced him shag

i already found out he lives in corry

go outside his house at 3am and bounce your car off the rev limiter for a few mins

why, so i can get shot this time.

damn ricer :slap:

lets get him!

Brake fluid on his paint = you win!!

wow…thats really fuckig weak!!!

and go with what chad said!!!

you should get a gun shag and shoot them next time it happens…

you would do something pussy like that

yes…and pulling out a gun is a very manly thing to do!!!

im not agianst u cutty…not gettin on ur shit…just making a post