Too make a long story short…i pull out of priamntis and this explorer hurrys up and gets on my ass…so i tkae off…aboput a mile up hte road he gets in the lane to turn left and laughs at me:rolleyes: so i give him the finger…wel i guess he jumped in the lane to go straight and follows me about 2 miles till i turned to go to my house and as i do he gets on my ass so i turn into a lot real quik and he passes me…2 seconds later this talon…n/a gets up on my ass so i just ignoered it…well as i got to a stop sign i turned left and all i hear from the guy in the talon is …I GOT YOUE LICENSE # FAGGOT…WTK…so i hurry up and turn around and cathc up…we get to a stop sign and he sits fro about a min with his buddy in the explorer ahead of him:rolleyes: So they both take of eventually at a high rate of speed:rolleyes: And all of a sudden tha fag in his tlaon slams on his brakes and comes to a stop and i see the explorer stop and put on his rev lights:rolleyes: So i pass the fucker in his talon and next stop sign i put in park and get out of my car…i walk to his car and ask wht the fuck his prob was…his reply…I got your license plate # bitch and i have no prob with you…talk to my buddy in the explorer:mad: :rolleyes: so i told him i would kick bioth of there asses and asked him if thats what it took to beat me down…both of them?:rolleyes: He just kept saying^…so i get into my car and siad fuck it they aren,mt worth it and turned left and as i was doing so the fag in the talon yelled again…i got your lincense # pussy:rolleyes: What a buynch of homos…not me worth going to jail for…so they got my license#…what the fuak can they do with it?
The fag in the talon…was n/a and had an aem plate cover in it…if u know this fag…please tell me os i can set his ass straight:D