300ZX Front Clip Disassembly

Hahahaha actually it was me that took out the steering column. Funny!!

lol well i nearly did wen i broke that bolt…so i wasnt exactly being carefull haha so i guess we’ll have to see

you mean pedal …haha i was only able to get 1 and i wasnt able to get the others…and yea…patrick did the column…i just helped hold it lol

lol yea…it was gay i had that appointment at this tax place tho…u guys shudda seen how i was driving on the highway to mississauga…there was traffic(icky)…but it took me less than 45mins to get from markham to square 1 lol i was pretty surprised

Angelica Schwarzeneger :stuck_out_tongue:

It doesn’t matter if it’s pedal or pedals lol…still good job!..hahahaha
couldn’t notice all tha small details to what was goin’ on lol, i was busy takin’ out tha ECU…and all other electronic components…Those turbo IN\OUT pipes were
sitting really tight in there lol!!


lol not even…i spent like maybe 15mins trryyyin to loosen the bolt to drain the oil


Haha pat, are you sure u werent still wasted from the night before you alchy mofo, lol

let me know when you’re pulling the motor, I’ll help you out with the REAL work :stuck_out_tongue: sorry i couldnt make it, seems like you had plenty of good help though.

When you pull the motor from the clip, are u going to cut it up? it would be easier. i can bring a sawzall, angle grinder, and other such metal raping equipment.

lol, supercar, oh yeah thanks vlad for finishing my drink bud

so do u still need help?

hahahha :open_mouth:

and i wasnt called :frowning:

Lots of good help. I’ll probably be pulling the engine and transmission on Saturday or Sunday. Thing is, there’s a meet in Brampton on Saturday and I don’t want it to conflict.

hahahaha metal raping equipment. It would be good to cut the frame right off of the engine but I don’t want to make any noise there so I’m thinking a hoist is in order. I’ve arranged with one of my friends to haul off all the scrap metal that I don’t need. Let me know what time you’re free this weekend.

Yup. Next weekend I’ll be officially pulling the engine and I need all the manpower (and Angelica Schwarzeneger :stuck_out_tongue: ) that I can get. Either Saturday or Sunday. Not too sure yet.

:mad: Don’t say that man. I did ask you. We talked about this on Saturday night. Remember??? You said that you want to help, but you don’t know too much about the car and how it works… blah blah blah and that you don’t want to mess things up. I said NOOOO NOOO NO!!! Any help is AMAZING!! And the extra person would be wicked.

And to prove to you now, ask anyone that came. I kept telling them that I don’t care what they do, just as long as it comes out. Of course there were a few things that I didn’t want broken or anything, but Angelica Schwarzeneger broke a bolt for example and that didn’t matter shit to me. A lot of the interior stuff got F$%#ed but I didn’t care.

yea i remember you guys talking about it saturday night too

Haha thanks jon…look wat you’ve done now…im no schwarzeneger!!! :frowning: lol

alright bro jsut let us knwo when its happeneing i hsoudl have my car by then and be more hten happy to help u out

You dont want to make any noise? what the hell is that? lol! does the engine and transmission come out together wth those cars? or does the tranny have to be dropped first?

Sunday would be better.

I dont think u need to take the trans out to get the motor out

Right now it seems like Sunday is the day. It’s clear and warming up so it should be another good day. I’m looking into renting a hoist actually. There was someone on this board that was offering one for something like $150 a day. I’m gonna look into that.

Yeah, normally at my house I don’t care about the noise between certain hours, but this is a nice neighbourhood. My Aunt is helping me out by letting me keep the front clip at her house and take up one garage spot. I don’t want to make her neighbours hate her too.
It’s ok for me though cause most of my direct neighbours hate me anyway.

I’m gonna check my FSM again. I honestly don’t remember if the engine needs to be seperated from the tranny first.
When they assemble it at the factory they put the engine and the tranny on the front subframe and lift the engine into body. I think I might want to do something similar for disassembly.

That would be wicked. I was thinking Sunday cause there’s already a meet here in Brampton on Saturday evening and I don’t want it to conflict.
Is there any way you can make it down on Sunday instead?

$150 a day for a hoist is a rip, $40 is more appropriate.

most cars are assembled from the factory the way you described, but on a FR car u can usually pull the engine and tranny out together through the top. however the 300 engine bay is so cramped, i dont know if it would be feasable. the other option is to unbolt the tranny and drop it, then lift the engine out the top with no transmission. if it is still too cramped then u may end up having to drop subframe and all out the bottom.

uc an buy a hosit for 150-200ish

The hoist is $15 a day from “Kick Ass Matt” on this board, plus delivery, but he is not able to deliver it on Sunday cause he has prior arrangements.
So, I’m trying to arrange with one of my friends to take his dads truck