30r_logic, 600whp gti??!?!?

drive it you girl.

thats what i’ve been doing… almost errday.

so it sounds like you have lost interest pretty much

ssmokinss what are you doing on bretts SN :nuts

oh no ive been hacked.

i want a terminator with a ported eaton and a 75 shot.

Man, I’m way off then.

You have a car that is an exception. :lol

No man, your right on! Pre-OBD2 FTW

obd2 sucks …im going to start modding my integra lol…oh wait i’ll just stop modding cars altogether

i’ll take your word for it!

Man, I’m glad I never started. Err… wait…

ok adam :lol

Probably because you asked to ride/drive in everything and tried to get everythign for free

nothing wrong with 600hp.

yup, however you wont catch me running spray, i would rather loose than win on spray


freeloader :idiots

Get a job :lol

:rofl :bdance

Cars suck.

/ thread.

best post evar!!!

omg i sold it with like 40 or less

and this thread is all about me now Pete, im moar bettar.

hey n!cole, how u doinnn??? wink :banana