
i think im gonna give my cousin cj a call. the state trooper. he seems like he would know what hes doing but idk i might just take it to a shop so i dont have to deal with problems.

It came with directions, right?
Use them. :nod

no it didnt come with directions

? That’s dumb. Are they on Vishnu’s website?

theres a video that i can just play on my lap top and its shows every little detail so i can just do that

Just checked Vishnu has installation videos on their website.
Here’s the page with the video’s. http://www.vishnutuning.com/BMW_support.htm
Here is your’s specifically http://nz.youtube.com/watch?v=Iq67qHXInPQ

Oh you found it already. ok

cap cities just called back agaain and they said they took it out again today and theres still idle issues but it was perfectly fine 2 hours ago :wtf i just want my car back!!! its gonna be there for probable a week now since they said they dont even know where to start looking for the problem

Well at least you got the 1 series :gay

1 series = :gay :gay :gay :gay :gay :gay :gay :gay :gay :gay :gay :gay :gay :gay :gay :gay :gay :gay :gay :gay :gay :gay :gay :gay :gay :gay :gay :gay :gay :gay :gay :gay :gay :gay :gay

I know you don’t smoke weed, I know this; but I’m gonna get you high today, 'cause it’s Friday; you ain’t got no job… and you ain’t got shit to do.

Great m :lolovie


car is baack!!! and chip is in!!! its insane fast now :ohnoes

takin it to the valley?

it rips i put the chip in its so fast

thats what billy said.

hahahahaha :crackup

that car is damn nice

couldnt make it tonight because i had work :bore

thanks man

:lol hahahah

when am I gonna see it in action?