ohh boy call out to chuck lol well he does have a point there since you did run a 15.3 in the 1/4 :lol
Joe you are 17 and haven’t even taken your 5 hour yet. You stalled my car btw. When you have a car I will listen to you. Until then…
have a sense of humor :banana
It’s funny Sir Smoke A lot.
oh sorry i didnt know you were gonna hold a grudge about it
im 16 not 17 and i dont like you talking about me like that. the shit ive done you havent even thought of i didnt do shit but take the chip out of billys car thats it nothing else. oh and btw im taking my 5 hour saturaday
Just bustin yo ballz yo
want a cookie ??? :stfu we all learn at our own pace from what i read you dont know shit either how good can ya be… ya cant even drive or reach the pedals
wheres the god damn pop corn smylie :ohnoes
your bmw with a 50 shot = :ahh :nod
so he wont be able to blow the welds on it ;D wit a 100 shot
don’t confuse holding a grudge with busting balls.
Exactly. Holding a grudge implies that I care. I don’t.
anyways an update on my car: just got a call from cap cities and all the problems were because of my fuel pump. they replaced it and im picking it up today ;D
:lmao :lmao :lmao
and chuck, if you won’t listen to joe for making fun of you for running a 15.3 in an upgraded car that runs like 14.3 stock, then will you listen to me? :haha
so billy, who’s putting the chip in now?
bwhahhaahahahaahhahaha…end yourself porsche master…do you even know how to start a car?