360 bans

kevin…answer ur damn phone… i know ur not playing xbox. fggt

im on the phone fggt

that suck, ive already been banned twice.

ouch, that blows

:tdown: had a feeling this was coming

so why mod the xbox its just to play burned games correct?

Yeah, to save shitloads of money and play all the games for essentially the cost of a burnable dual layer dvd.

That sucks Kevin, but we all know it can and may happen. Anyone that gets upset over getting banned needs a severe reality check.

I’m more pissed off at all the modded controller fggts playing COD. :tdown:

edit: Furthermore, anyone who thinks modding their xbox is a bad idea probably doesn’t have a strong grasp on their financial situation.

New Xbox: $199 ( assuming they can crack the lite-on )
Modification: Free depending on your skillset or friend list
Burned Games: $2-5 a piece

GOW2: $59
COD5: $59
Fallout3: $59
Fable2: $59
Madden: $59
NHL09: $59

should i go on?

the sooner you mod your xbox the more you will save in the long run. who cares if you get console banned… just buy another box. You’ll save more in the long run anyways… there will always be new games to buy and play.

the amount you will save on 3-4 games, you could buy a new xbox.



unless you get caught d/ling them


lol have you heard the latest? Activision is now pulling RIAA type stunts (suing old people that had an open Wifi lol)

I actually refuse to do it anymore. Not worth the risk now that you can be charged criminally.

yea… i see people bitch on xbox forums and a few other…when people talk about being banned…you have the idiots saying “well maybe you should buy ur games” oh shut the fuck up…stop being pissy that you cant play burned games…cause we all know for a fact if you had the chance you would. i’ve probably saved close to a thousand dollars in games over the past year and a half

If you got banned you deserve clearly your not staying one step ahead…You got away with all that shit for free for how long? Time to find a new way around the system…

^^even people that have been 1 step ahead have been getting banned.

It must suck to be poor.

Edit: (Not you, Kevin… .plz don’t kill me)

Not to be rude, but if they got banned then they weren’t one step ahead.

Also, newsgroups and IRC are the king of downloading. Always have been, always will be. Long before peer to peer programs, torrents or rapidshare, there has been IRC / newsgroups.

If one of those two mediums starts having problems, then I’ll bothered to pay attention.

I’m not talking about mad skillz kevin and his ability to use other peoples findings to pull off burning games for free…

please dont post if you have no idea what ur talking about. This has nothing to do with staying 1 step ahead. Ppl are being banned with unmodded boxes again, and ppl are also getting banned with current FW.


other peoples findings?

WTF are u talking about.