360 bans

you are wrong also, guys do some reading before posting crap.

:lol: I think he’s past his boiling point and has finally cracked.

if you mod a 360 and get the RROD can you unmod it to get the RROD fixed?

Did every single person who plays burned games get banned?

Did you create any ways to avoid detection/possible banning?

Maybe your a step behind?

If people got banned for unmodded xboxes then obviously they did something to deserve getting banned…

Microsoft doesn’t ban normal PAYING customers for no reason…Thats bad for business…


no i just love reading all the WRONG info in here.

makes me laugh.

and if i cracked u would know it lol

id be throwing shit

holy shit, so wait, they banned you! they are actually giving you hope to getting a real life besides video games

um, actually yes they have in the past. The way they were trying to “detect” people with modded consoles also targeted innocent people (thus, re-instating everyone that got banned)

I’m wrong by broadly saying someone with a modded xbox obviously wasn’t a step ahead of Microsoft because they got banned?

Simple comprehension of the English language applied to logic would infer that if they were a step ahead they wouldn’t have gotten banned.

omg Justin, please stop. the last wave of bans included a hell of alot of people that were on normal boxes, trust me my 360 was stealthed, patched just like every one elses.

who the fuck are you, get the fuck out of my thread you worthless piece of shit

dont listen to him and answer my ish

so your playing illegal copies of games, sounds like you should be banned :gotme:

i had my xbox modded…then got the RRoD… i sent it in to get fixed. u dont un-mod it. just gotta send it to a certain place to get fixed

oooohhhh nooo!!! tough guy look out!

no i was playing a backup of a game i own, hows that

should i be banned for that?

dont think so

and im not even upset, ill just buy another 360 and move on lol, simple as that.

lol…ur one to talk…douche :stuck_out_tongue:


Look how mad Kevin is…

I hope you get BANNED




^This is the key part of owning a modded xbox. If you can have this mindset, modding is for you :tup:

so they fix it send it back and you reflash it ??

lol if he buys a new xbox and that gets banned. lol

and whats up with the sig? you have your xbox bullshit? nerd