360 bans


yes, all your games are just backups i’m sure :roflpicard:

no… they just fix it. its already flashed from when you did it. all they do is fix the RRoD issue…send it back, and you start playing again.

haha ive had my box modded for years, 1 ban in that amount of time ill take any day of the week man, and like i said ill just buy another and mod it again.

hahah ohh well man.

shit happens.

dont u have some stupid post to start?

lol i think im going to pick one up

lol, Jay just PM’d me asking if I could mod his xbox for him!


you guys do know ur not out of the woods either right?

i would stay off live for a bit

if he had one

too bad i have a ps3 haha good one though!

Yeah I know, if the ban comes, no problem.

He’s a big boy, he can answer for himself.

hehe :tup: <3

WTB: used 360 that was banned from interweb?

or maybe play a lot less and again, get a life.

or maybe dont use an xbox with mods, or ummm umm get a life! :roflpicard:

FS: 200 xbox360 games

god your a moron.

so people who play xbox dont have lives? you’re such a smart lil boi


and i didnt know this was a fs thread, nor is it in the right section then either

Kevins gonna be the first person to get his iPhone remotely killed by Apple…watch…

well played tho sir :tup: