360 hack

what drives are not hackable?, are the new boxes able to be flashed?

team-executer is down so i cant check

The new lite-on drive is so far unhackable. From what I’ve read all new consoles and all RRoD refurbs are going to be coming with this drive.

They have a very tricky ready only ROM that is making a firmware patch a real bitch.

Sounds like they’re making some progress though:

I am pretty sure all the drives are software hackable now in windows without soldering

You might want to read the link I posted. The new drive is definitely NOT hacked. I’d know, fuckers sent me one in my refurbed RRoD console. :frowning:

c4eva say he’s close so there is hope that it will get hacked.

ohh man jay that sucks

modchip seems like a possibility too

Well this just pissed in my cornflakes…

Yeah, I’m meeting AFrank to buy his console sometime today. Confirmed BenQ drive that I can hack. Hopefully by the time that one eventually RRoD’s they’ll have hacked the Lite-On. :slight_smile:

Soon to be FS: 1 Xbox core system, freshly refurbed from MS with a nice new July 2008 build date DVD drive.


How much and is it modded? I dont have a desktop so I cant flash a drive.

lol did u read, its got the lite-on drive in it.

The one I’ll be selling is unmoddable currently.

Bah. Ok.

im sure they’ll be able to find a way to flash it eventually

My modded box RRoD’d on me, want the drive?

Ya they are talking about it in the channel. C4eva talked about how they got it but still working on the C/R from Xbox Live and stuff. I think they found a way into the drive tho.

you guys were foolish to include your drive with the rrod console, when they tell you to just ship the box

huh?, you cant remove the drive, as ms would def know something was up, and if they were checking, void the warranty.

I’ll take it off your hands if you’re really just going to throw it out. But, just a heads up because I’m an honest guy. You can send your modded console back and there’s a damn good chance MS will repair it. Sure, it comes back unmodded and probably unmoddable, but at least it’s a working console. I got my modded RRoD console replaced for free, and my brother in law got his modded and banned RRoD console replaced for free. They are refurbing so many RRoD consoles I don’t think they even look to see if it’s been modded anymore.

Interesting bit of info though. My console came back in it’s original case, but with a new DVD drive. I haven’t checked to see if it got a new serial but I’m guessing all the guts are new and just the case was reused. I only new because my console had a strange black mark on the top and that mark was there when I got it back.

Are you retarded? Yeah, I’m going to rip the case apart, take out the DVD drive, and send it back to MS with a giant hole in the front of the Xbox where the DVD drive should be. I’m sure they won’t suspect anything.

You might as well write on it in saying, “Hey look, I opened my case and voided my warranty, please don’t repair this”.

Ya dont ever take the drive out. Just send it back. Worst case they send it back to you unrepaired. Its not like they keep it and don’t give it back.