Xbox 360 Close to Being Hacked?

“Word is out on the street that a flaw in the Xbox 360 DVD firmware may allow a hacker to install his own custom firmware in there unchecked, and as such gain full control of what the DVD will or will not accept. In practice, this would mean that the drive could gain the capability to boot backups of original game DVD’s by flashing a self-built firmware in there which ignores the mandatory disc signing.”


good deal :tup: this may make me go for the 360 over ps3

i will buy a xbox360, as soon as i can go to the pacific mall in canada and buy a modded one with upgraded firmware, just like the current xbox. till then, no dice =)

i’m glad to see it’s moving along though!


Haha, awesome.

dont be a girl, mod it yourself.

When the hell are stores going to have more 360’s?


bah… :tdown: to not realeasing the hack

Im sure its not perfect yet. Once they get it right it will be reeased and people can mod away.

i started getting parts last night for this, it seems pretty simple and my MB has the correct SATA chipset in it. Finally ill be able to play Dl games, fuck this 60 bucks a pop bullshit.

will post an update if i get around to doing it this weekend.

please send me link and a diy when you are finished!

no way im typing all that shit up :slight_smile:

im making my own adaptor, since xecuters isnt out as of yet.

link to info?

edit: NM; thanks. :stuck_out_tongue:

lazy bitches :stuck_out_tongue:

so this is only to play backup games and shit. i am not buying a 360 until i can save and run homebrew software on the hdd, and i think that is gonna be a while.


i have to sign up…


c/p it FTW

just sign up, lol its a good site.