4/14/07: small party at my place


i would go but i dont know anyone lol


Not theres alot of people coming from but then that would be the whole point in going to get to know other poeple.

damn i want to watch the game let me over board jnky lol


Dawn we would be like the only girls here. You should come over…

[quote=“TurdBlown Teg,post:22,topic:27483"”]

damn i want to watch the game let me over board jnky lol


my bad, i never updated.

zong and some friends came over lol

I am way too tired and sick to go. But maybe another day? :slight_smile:

Awwww yeah Ill let ya know next time were having people over

Heck yeah.
Where do you guys live anyways?

Off main street by UB.Amherst

Where abouts? My mom lives right on Eggert after 5corners or whatever that intersection is.

come on over

Not that far from mighty on springville ave

A nice little gathering. :tup:

there shall be another one where we dont have to keep it to a 10 ft voice volume

Haha, yeah that would be nice.

Yeah I had fun thanks to everyone who came… We’ll do it again soon

i was drunk but i fell asleep on ur couch sorry guys

No worrys you always welcome to crash on a couch its better then you drinking and driving

or puking in my car

he puked in your car thats awesome!!!