I’ll stop up…

weather looks good and looks like it’ll be a good turn out.


maybe the dsm boys will swing by from BWW


Does AAA have enough tow trucks working tonight ???

anyways … ill be thur in full effect with the new BDR toy … put me down for a dvd and a ticket

I will stop up for one of each

if my car is done ill be up there with a few ppl!

ok on the bbq payment end… i MAY not be making it tonite, so for the time being please give your payments to Phil (altimarollin) he will be adding your names to the list as you pay… if i do make it out i will just take over from where he left off. hopefully see you all there tonite, get those payments in we’re off to a good start!

Ill be there the guy in the eddiebauer jacket, and will have a list thats up to date so when you pay ill go ahead an write you name down on the list. Ill see you up there. Just a reminder the money for the picnic is due in may 10th at the latest so this is your opportunity to meet up with us to arrange payment. Im sure i would be able to do something on may 10th if a 2nd date is needed as well.

actually count me out for the bbq… its the one day that month i couldnt do it :frowning:

Will there still be dvd’s tho?

will be there tonight i want a dvd

will be there for the picnic def and maybe a dvd but it should be a decent sized crowd tonight

heading out now

pretty big turnout. 40-50 cars??

At least that amount, It was a good night despite it was a tad cold, and the on/off sprinkles

pretty good size meet tonight…cant wait for the weather to break

Focusinprogress is going to paypal mine and his to you as soon as he has a min

Good turnout tonight. Hopefully meets will be like this more often.

yeah, i had a good time. it was great to see everyone again and meet new people.

finally made it out to a mighty meet (i really don’t like the northtowns, they scare me)

good times

Oh Jam, thanks for the E30 headlights too, I’ll see what I can do with them :tup: .

great turnout!!! too bad every meet cant turnout that big!!!