5/20 Nyspeed BBQ @ Chestnut Ridge **PAYMENT INFO INSIDE**

by popular demand :stuck_out_tongue: our “beginning of season” bbq will be held on this date, SUNDAY MAY 20TH details to be added as they come! post up any suggestions you might have

the price will be $13 per person… which will cover the cost of the shelter and food (cooked by none other than tpgsr). you can PAYPAL ME fordprober@hotmail.com or contact myself or altimarollin for cash payments. Your name will ONLY be added to the list once payment has been made! Please pay in advance, i don’t want to run into the problem we had last year (everyone paying day of = not enough food)

Again, the date is may 20th, and the cost is $13/person!


  1. Adictd2b00st
  2. altimarollin


  1. 90NA300zx + 1 guest
  2. skurge +1?
  3. psphinx81
  4. doctor stevil

i will move people accordingly as i get paid, also if you paypal me please include your user name in the “notes” section so that i can add you to the paid list, thanks!


Post where the hell Chestnut Ridge is so I can figure out how to get there and lead Rochester people there. :lol:

so whats on the menu, i wouldnt mind cooking i dont think

sounds good. as long as im not in cali ill be there


For those who dont know where it is (like me 10 minutes ago).

do u have to pay to get one of the big pavillions or w/e? or just get there 1st or whats the deal with that?


sweet if im in town. but probably not.

yea, i believe you have to rent that shit for the day, im sure its not that expensive

please change the date to June 20th FDot :wink: I won’t be in town and I need to get some pictures of my new ride LOL

june is way too late lol plus we already had voting anyways :stuck_out_tongue: this date is set :slight_smile:

im there!!! :slight_smile:

I’ll be there if I’m still up here. School might be done by that point though.

im down. i can bring a keg, what time would this be around?

not sure if i’ll have the Z on the road by then…but if not, i can always rock the EF…

Either way, i’m in fo sho


I’ll be there if I’m still up here. School might be done by that point though.


last day of exams is the 10th i believe…

ill be there

[quote=“Big B,post:14,topic:24869"”]

what time would this be around?


good question… hmm you guys wanna make this for like 1pm?

1 sounds good, this should be cool

Is it a rain or shine thing?

Is there a rain date?

^Word, How does food work, bring your own or throw money in and you get to eat? It dosent matter to me either way.