4 cyl 500cc 2 stroke

copy and paste from SuperMotoJunkie, looks sweet. “It’s a concept out of Poland but its running a 4 cylinder 500cc 2 stroke.” The light motor and frame should be a fun package. Should rev to the moon and back to I like it :tup:

Attached Imageshttp://supermotojunkie.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=45916&stc=1&d=1217216718


no shit …will that work?.. and by the looks of the pipe it will be loud at WOT

I dont even see and expansion chamber like a typical 2 stroke.
I want one

its pretty cool but i am not a big fan of the open/chopper look. i would like to see some plastics on it.

thats pretty crazy that most of the frame mounts to the engine, using the engine as the main support for the entire bike…looks nuts

Most modern sportbikes are the same way, there just all covered up :slight_smile: