4 Insane things nobody tells you about riding a motorcycle

Got good kick out of it…:rofl. Enjoy!

Full Article: 4 Insane Things Nobody Tells You About Riding a Motorcycle | Cracked.com

I don’t know if it’s something in the perceived image that mounting a slightly narrower than normal vehicle makes you more of a man, or a tough guy, or a reckless daredevil, but traffic hates motorcycles. Not only hates them, but possesses a rage so intense that murder is the only solution. Other drivers will tailgate the crap out of you, completely regardless of your speed, and that’s kind of a bigger deal when, y’know, you don’t have a tail or a gate. So there’s a several-ton steel box travelling more than fast enough to crush you to death in a nanosecond, and its operator has decided that his safe stopping distance is ‘up your asshole.’ And there’s no way to make him back off, either. He’s comfortable there, inside your asshole; he shows no signs of moving. He’s going to make a life up in your colon - hell, he’s already planting a garden and having his mail forwarded there, so you better get used to him…

:rofl was awesome.


lol I think that guy enjoyed writing this article.

haha that was a pretty good article

I lol’d at the guy having a motorcycle for “a few weeks” and becoming an expert at it. Some valid points in the text though.

If you enjoy that kind of read, I HIGHLY recommend “Proficient Motorcycling: a Guide to Riding Well.” Well worth the $20 or whatever. Really makes you think about what’s going on when you’re riding. I have a copy I’d loan if you’re serious about reading it and don’t want to spend the $$… Jussayin.

who would’ve guessed lane splitting is legal in CA, when it’s illegal in all 49 other states

Reasons to move to Cali - 1. Against - 99+. :lol


Thanks for the link man. Must spread rep.

Because first state to legalize marijuana.