4 killed in Buffalo Shooting

Just more incompetent leaders trying to pretend there are a simple solutions to a complex problems like gang warfare.

It’s finally even in the news (though police have known since the shooting)… Gang A was at a party, Gang B was denied entry, Gang B shot the people that denied them when they left. One of the people shot was shot point blank as the shooter said something to him, then again when he was already down on the ground execution style.

The only good thing about this is it’s not random so if you’re not a thug Buffalo is still reasonably safe (assuming you don’t hang out where thugs are shooting each other). A restaurant full of people all leaving at once and no one saw a thing when they are questioned by police. Right there they should just stop wasting taxpayer money and move on to crimes the “victims” actually want solved.

Does Buffalo even have something like a Gang Unit or a Rapid Response Team?


Yeah right? All of the normal people that go home at a reasonable hour are going to get hit in the crossfire of the losers that normally cause trouble later.
Seriously, I used to stay out super late but, after 1:00 or 2:00 I would be at a bar in my home town not Buffalo.

When are people in Buffalo going to realize that we suck at everything and get fed up enough to change it?

Let’s just bring in the FBI or those guys from “Criminal Minds” to solve the case. Obviously the BPD is dropping passes left and right.


It’s already solved. They know who the guy is, and they’re pretty sure he’s left the state. He won’t get caught now until he does something stupid that puts him back on the grid. Only other way they’re going to catch him is if they can lean on someone hard enough who knows where he is. I’m sure that’s what the arrest last night was about.


Little update in the paper today.


Sounds like we should find the shooter and thank him. :tup:

trap the rats in a cage and they’ll kill each other off.

“These people may have had connections to some bad people, and some of them may have had [criminal] problems themselves,” another law enforcement source said of the victims. “But, they certainly didn’t deserve to be gunned down in cold blood like that.”

It’s our societies desire for “equality” that condemns America to recurring and escalating acts of violence and crime. I’m not talking about white, black, yellow equal opportunity stuff. I’m talking about known criminals being showered with sympathy and treated as humans, when records show clearly they are monsters & animals. We slaughter innocent animals for our consumption, yet we have issues removing people who are toxic to our societies moral fabric and those whom cause our quality of life to decline? Hrmmm. I am a meat eater, willing to hunt and NOT a hippy or PETA member just for clarification. LOL. I just find it insane that people with firearms and extreme violence convictions are met with sympathy when they finally meet self created demise. On top of that, allowing criminals to be “equal” causes innocent people to be killed…THIS IS THE TRUE TRAVESTY! If you don’t behave in a manner that is civil then you don’t belong in civilization. It really is that simple.

I have to say, I completely agree.

È Tiffany Wilhite, 31, who was killed in the massacre outside City Grill, was serving a five-year sentence of probation for felony reckless endangerment in connection with a January 2009 fight outside a Broadway-Fillmore neighborhood bar where she used her Jeep Cherokee to run down four women, breaking one of the victim’s pelvis in four places.

For some reason that one made me LOL

its buffalo who cares…who the hell wants to live in buffalo

It’s called social Darwinism. Let the fuck-ups kill themselves. White, black or purple, who cares.

So what you’re saying is we should kill these people and eat them? :slight_smile:

lol, say buh-bye to your Net-OT privileges.

They probably wouldn’t taste so good. Sins taste bad…tainted meat. LMAO. :wink:
But I do think we should feed prisoners the meat of other prisoners…that’d surely help the bottom line for us tax payers, no? evil laugh

Ewww… but PETA would probably love that :tup:

After being in Detroit over the weekend and going on a “Safari” around some of the bad areas, Buffalo definitely has it GOOD.

Prosecutors moved to dismiss the charges against McCaa last week, citing his death, and a judge granted the motion.

“The law requires us to do so when the defendant dies,” Erie County District Attorney Frank A. Sedita III said.

Uh, thanks for clearing that one up. :tspry: