403 Dundas Timmies meet

Last night was probly the BEST meet we have ever had and go figure it was raining lol :slight_smile: awesome time thats what 240 meets should be about :slight_smile:



it was wicked STILLZ!!

haha amanda

nice name

s13 chick

D/403 Ftl.

Btw Chevy Cobalts are sick. Supercharged :slight_smile:

Nelson says “Haa haa” Points finger

^^^ you FTL lol

Wheres that thread on superchargers…i need to figure out how the motor reverses its revolutions when its in reverse and how the supercharger sucks air out of the motor. I need to make my SR do that, That shietts so non-jdm ftw once again!

Yea it was defiantly the best meet I ever been to, I think we should do it far more often.

p.s Jounir you should realy put in ur sig, “stock KA.”

go do some grip devvo :wink: even Juinor was slidding around :stuck_out_tongue: Shoulda been there !

but now my tires are done and it looks like i have slicks…

it was different that’s for sure

Can anyone show up for these things? i have a mint 240 stock but dont show up i thought its only for cars with mods etc


yes of course it’s open to anyone in the club

stock, modified… white, black, purple, whatever

people show up in rusted out pieces of shit… that doesn’t stop anyone from having a good time

half the cars at the meets are all riced and rusted out pieces of shit, you will fit in just perfectly.


I’m so there.

yay purple!!

Rust is weight reduction, you fools!

you keep telling yourself that josh

can i come on my bicycle? Its pretty rusted to shit :stuck_out_tongue:

As long as it’s RWD. :slight_smile: