Burlington meet on thursday nights

Just wanting to know who would want to can out to a meet in burlington when the weather gets a bit better. Just post what you think of it. It will be at Dundas(High Way 5) and Walkers Line at the Timmies, and meet there around 9 PM till when ever. I will put up when the first night will be. Ok I was thinking of having the meets on a thurdays night, and have the first meet on the 9th of march, or start it on the 16th of march, Let me know.

Thanks Jason

Hi Jason

I’m in Waterloo but I go to Hamilton every week so it’s nearby. Do you have a place in mind for the meet?


Dundas(High Way 5) and Walkers Line at the Timmies

Yes, I got owned by edit :lol: …

Re: meet

Count me in. Just noticed “DRIFTwood dr.” on the map nearby… :-k

I’d be up for some of that if I’m not working. My car isn’t coming out of storage till May 1st but, it would be cool to meet some local members of the club. I’ll see if I can drag Spoyman down from Bramton and come with him, that way we can at least 240 represent.


Spike - is tomorrow @ 9 still on or are you going to get more people for 16th?

If there is a nuff people wanting to, then it will be.

If it’s still on, I’ll show up tonight. Anyone going to Burlington meet tonight???

Well i showed…
Was good fun… looking forward to next week.

Thanks guys.

had a good time, hope to see more out next week 8)

It was awesome - see you all next week.

That girl was hot [-o<

If the wather is decent, id like to come out on the 16th of March.

Yea, come on out, every one is welcome for son

i’m in Hamilton, I’ll come out once I put my car on the road and once I stop working thursday nights.

deffenitly need more people to show at the next one. it will be better when im rockin the 240 and not the pontiac pos. and if anyone causes any problems at the timmies there gonna have me to deal with. so no acting a fool this is one of the last timmies in the aera where we are not going to get hassled by cops. lets keep it that way

oh yeah be nice to the staff to well only nikki or else lol

:lol:, and me to deal with

who is nikki?

A friend

There is a meet tonightm hope to see you guys there