Burlington meet on thursday nights

I’m coming.

anyone else from K-W heading that way tonight?

good shit guys… next time i get a thursday night free (i normally have a vball game on thursdays) i’ll stop by again.

Good turn out guy’s here’s some pic’s of tonight

to F**king cold, and thats s1495 with his head like that

All but me in the pic

And me

Awesome meet guys! Nice pic - I look like a 240 lurker (don’t worry about your rims - I wouldn’t swap them for my cookie-cutter ones - I’m harmless) :lol:

hey guys in the area just wondering if the meets are every thursday from now on as long as its nice out i would love to stop by


Nice meeting everyone, and yeah it’s probalby gonna be every Thursday from now on.

I am wondering - who was in the black S13 coupe taking those pics around 10:30 pm yesterday and then took off?

It’s got to be someone on this board. Click on post and show yourselves :mrgreen:

Hah that would be me, sorry if I was rude :wink: Just wanted to drop by quickly and check out the rides.

And yes there will be a meet there every thursday night from now on. Thanks guy for coming out, and hope to see more there soon.

Too bad… the meet was awesome!

will you drop by next time?

Who’s all coming out tomorrow night

I’m coming, S1495 is coming :stuck_out_tongue: I hope lol.

Yeah I’m showing up 8)

is this still going on?

Yes it is

anyone comming out tonight? i’m going to try and be there

I’ll be there

See you guys there.

i’ll try to make it…

Hey Spikeykins can you bring that fan for Paul and ill pick it up??
what time you goona be there?