403/Dundas Timmy's Nov. 3

I’ll be there in a red s13.

Ill be there in a 1983 pinto

'84 porsche 911T

… i like the make up car i’ll be driving game.

I’ll show you a magic trick Nik.

I’ll make my imaginary car appear! :twisted:

… yeah, we’ll see about that.

Free beer if I come in a red s13? (import, none of this domestic crap…)

its funny how similar that beer would be with respect to the porsche i’m bringing.

wheres the meet?
new 240sx owner wanna come by build relations an see what ppl are doin

All the info should have been on the first page, but just to reiterate because I am feeling nice today.

Meet at 8:30pm tonight at dundas and 403 tim hortons. (just north of the highway) After that around 9pm I guess we will be heading to Outback which is about a 1 minute drive away.

By the way, you should post an introduction if you haven’t already in the new members section.


hahahaha, hey ass, you wrote 40 instead of 403!!! man how are we ever going to get to 9 pages?

Edited by racer 180sx … again!

hehehehe :smiley:


Edited by Phil because Nik changed my post and I have NO IDEA why I was being confusing. :twisted:

Re edited by Phil just for fun, and because I can. :twisted:

That was a pretty good meet, if anyone noticed while i was leaving i got lost in the parking lot, couldn’t find an exit and kept hitting dead ends.

Yeah, the meet went off really well. Nik, your exaust was damn loud when you left, but you bov sounded sweet.

excellent! my exhaust can get loud, but unless i’m in the 3500+ range its really quiet.

dude, on the way home on dundas, i was going like 70 there was this neon following right beside me and his girlfriend kept looking over, then she said something to him and he started going faster, so i push it just alittle to get ahead (i’m in 4th), then joking to myself i decide to drop it into 3rd and floor it, but i wasn’t really paying attention and dropped it into 5th, and i still pulled way ahead of him! and this is 5th gear going like 80kmph.

funny stuff, but it onyl lasted like 15 sec before my turn came up.

Good stuff Nik.

Something similar happened to me when I left (around 12:15) anyways, I pulled up to the lights at Dundas and Winston, this girl in a newer generation prelude next to me kept looking over at me, she floored it when the light went green, but then slowed down soon after, I guess she must have gotten a better look at my car or something. LOL.

lol, its always funny when someone thinks your racing and you just slowly move after the lights as they floor it away and look like fools.

I got to play with a mustang on the 407.
I love my lemon of a family Sedan :smiley:

I had a calm and uneventful drive home. :smiley:

Nik, you might make it to 9 pages after all.

Too bad it was so cold out last night, I didn’t warm up until this morning :shock:

Did axlerod ever show up for the rims?

Yep, that’s the main reason I ended up staying so long. Right when I was planning to take off, he showed up.