dundas/403 timmys meet oct 6

dundas/403 timmys meet oct 6 :o

who will be there

240 ville (chris)

nocwage (Noc Wage)

So… is there just going to be two of us tonight?

Im sure there will be more, Im working tonite.
Lucas was telling me he’d be there…

Same…:frowning: stupid work always schedules me on wednesdays!
Maybe Next week, or if I get off Early.
Oh yea, Nocwage, I saw u at timmies(sauga and derry) last friday when I went to Boston Pizza, was the the “club si” thingy?

I could come out if there is more interest, still no car though so it would be in the van/TL again.

Yeah except I showed up after most had left, it was a short meet.

I’ll probably be in the (H)Altima.

I will be getting really really drunk.
So I do not think I will be able to make it tonight.

sory guys. but next week it is all gravy!!!

Yup yup, I cant make it to this one, but i should be able to the next one. And if all goes well i’ll have a camera to take some shots for the site, so next meet, wash up your damn car.

apologies, i pulled out last week because i was sick and passed out at home. and this week (today) i’m workin 3:30-midnight so that doesn’t help anybody, and i believe work scheduled me next week the same shift

all i can do is get off early if possible, otherwise i’m sure nobody will be around at like 12:30am :smiley: HAHAHA

have fun guys, keep it clean

Looks like a small meet tonight… is ANYONE showing!!!

i might but it looks doubtful, soo much work due tommrow

any way ill try to show up :smiley:

Sadly I’m out, well not sadly cause I bought a cat today from the humane society…
So I should be making sure he’s not eating wires etc for the first little while.

I’ll show up Next wed too…

Benson. We can finally meet up and chat again… I’ve always been overloaded in the past, but try to make it out!

Boflex… You’re tellin us to keep it clean, yet you talk about “pulling out”, and “getting off” c’mon now… seriously…


Looks like tonight’s meet was a flop :frowning:

oh grow up HAHA :thumleft: