42 midgets vs. 1 lion


holy fuck! :jawdrop:

i hope its true, but FMFT stands for free market fairy tales

i cant decide if its a real story thats mirrored on their page, or if its fake …

sounds crazy enough to be true tho …

bump for reality:


The fight was called in only 12 minutes, after which 28 fighters were declared dead, while the other 14 suffered severe injuries including broken bones and lost limbs, rendering them unable to fight back


"Dude, you can get past a dog. Nobody fucks with a lion. "


LMFAO!!! AHHHAhAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I was laughing so loud they told me to shut up. that was awsome!! I read it out loud and everybody in my living room started busting a gut.

I can just imagine all the rednecks laughing.

Surgeon General’s warning: Insulting JEG’s family can be hazardous to your health.

I say the midgets could win if it were to really happen.

lol you are so stupid

Cmon dude…midgets fighting is awesome in its self, let alone 42 midgets fighting a lion! That’s just plain awesome!! I mean yeah it sucks that they died and shit but just the concept of midgets fighting a lion like that…I find it quite funny.

Next up…60 midgets boxing a silverback guerilla. WOOOT

ugh … like i havent said it already in this thread

Dude, its fake…

Just imagine

5 pitchfork wielding, cornpipe smokin, cousing pokin hilbillies pouring out of a double wide screaming racial slurs.


and your mom laying on the floor covered in their hillbilly jiz.


mother jokes

pulling out the big guns are we?

Im surprised you could stop touching your face long enough to type that coherent sentence. :tup:

I’m surprised you mom was able to keep the cum in her long enough to develop you…what with being a total gutter slut and all…I’m sure she’s loose as a garbage bag, although that’s pretty much what her stinky ass cunt is, a cum dumpster for every horny fucker with a quarter.