42 midgets vs. 1 lion

mother jokes ahh

guess now would be the ironic part when i tell you my mother passed away when i was three.

dont belive me? ask Justin


Ill let you go back to being racist now

Dude. You need to SHUT THE FUCK UP. Mother jokes are not cool. Specially when there are those around WHO ARE NOT FORTUNATE TO HAVE ONE. THERE IS AT LEAST 2 PEOPLE IN THIS THREAD WHO YOU HAVE OFFENDED. JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP. What you just said above about his mother is absolutely disgusting and repulsive.

But it’s perfectly fine to attack Import Muscle’s family? You make no fucking sense. Get a life, and quit hating on people and there disadvantages.

You offend MANY PEOPLE everyday. Whether they hear it or not. I’m sick of the rude comments. You need to stop.


everyone knows he’s an idiot, i think the other guys in this thread brought it upon themselves for a reaction like that. just ignore his originally stupid comments and we wont get to this point. he’s going to say something stupid in almost every thread, don’t make fun of his family for it and he wont talk shit back to anyone.

For anyone who thought for a split second that this was real: I’ve got a great deal on a bridge for you! PM me for details!

this reminds me of a joke

your mom’s so dead that she’s rotting in the ground.

Fuck you.

But it’s perfectly fine to attack Import Muscle’s family? You make no fucking sense

First off, Import muscle started talking shit about my family being a bunch of hillbillies and shit before I even said anything to him. My Surgeon General’s warning thing was just sarcasm, so chill the fuck out, I know he was just dicking around, and so was I. Then Import had to take it too far so I said something back.

quit hating on people and there disadvantages

You obviously did not read his stab at me for having OCD and Tourettes.

I’m sorry about what happened to your family, but it was not directed toward you in any way so you need to calm down. He clearly started talking shit first, so don’t just attack me. I really don’t get you lately, every time I try to hang out or talk to you blow me off or are very rude. WTF.

Oh and RobTC…you can just kiss my ass.

I still say the midgets could win.
With the proper plan of course.:biglaugh:

:lol: I still say 60 midgets fighting a silverback would be entertaining.

lol… the bickering in this thread is way sweeter than fake midget stories…

sandy vag-s 4L

Sand…pss, I got 00 crushed stone in mine lol.

lol, I was wondering why this thread was on page 2, then I re-opened it.


Even I think jokes like this are pretty tasteless.

some one needs a vagasil wipe! - kevin716

If it WERE true, I’d think 42 midgets could defeat one lion. For arguments sake, let’s say that 1 midget is worth between .75 and .65 full sized humans. So that translates to between 32 and 27 humans respectively. Gang-tackling that lion would render it imobilized and then you can choke the lion to death or break it’s neck.

I dunno man…don’t underestimate the strength of an animal that size. A grizzly bear, not even a huge one, can break a full grown bull’s neck with one swipe of its paw. A Lion that weighs like say 450 lbs for example is at least a good 10x stronger than a normal sized man.

The male lion, easily recognized by his mane, can weigh between 150-225 kg (330-500 lb), but usually most males average around 186 kg (410 lb) and females range from 120-150 kg (260-330 lb)[6], and average around 125 kg (275 lb). Head and body length is 170 to 250 cm in males and 140 to 175 cm in females, shoulder height is about 123 cm in males and 100 cm in females

dude grow up jeg get a life outside of the trailerpark and the newly aquired internet that you guys get. and i would say that your a loser but i bet you already know that and find your true self not no racest self that most of us know.

and the 42 some midgets fighting a lion is just plain out stupid because not even 20 normal sized human beings could take down a lion with out weapons

jeg grow up stop touching your face and thinking that a 305 is fast and learn that your posts are just plain out stupid same with your replies.

and making fun of parents or what ever is just stupid if you dont know them. soo to you i hope your trailer/shanty starts on fire for the shit you said about there moms being “whores” or what ever you should be shot with your own rifle for saying the shit you did esp to justin and mike. and please dont quote dead presidents in your siq i bet they dont like it.

for back on topics sake…

i think no matter what without any type of weapon the midgets would lose if the lion was hostile… and when they are trying to kill it it would be. so theres no way they could detain it because the sheer strength of the animal (who kills prey with its bare paws in the first place) would be too much for the midgets who are weaponless

I don’t know who the fuck you think you are but don’t ever talk to me like that again you fucking noob. You do realize that the “touching my face” is a problem I have because I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Tourettes Syndrome, Both of which I CAN NOT CONTROL. Why don’t you tell a cripple to get off his ass and walk, same fucking difference. I KNOW my STOCK 305 is not fast, so I sure as hell don’t think it is. Oh and FYI, I am not trailer trash, I’ve never lived in a trailer in my life you ignorant fuck. So go suck a dick. You know absolutely nothing about me and sure as hell have no business running your mouth like a fool about me. I’m not going to make lame empty threats and get banned, so I’ll make a suggestion. If you ever meet me in person, it would be wise not to make fun of me having Tourettes…its one of the only things that I will not just brush off, and I WILL act on it. I will generaly just brush people off who act like ignorant assholes such as yourself, but don’t you EVER pull that card again.

Oh and one more thing, I’ve known Justin for like 15 years, and would NEVER say anything like that about him. He is my friend. And one I happen to hold in high regard. My comments were toward that loser Importmuscle. So again, stfu and don’t run your mouth about shit you don’t know. I don’t know who the hell you think you are, or why you think you are so much better than me, but if you really feel that Akron is just a bunch of trailer trash hicks, come on down and say it tough guy.

Damn I hate noobs.

Man this thread had so much potential…

I say there’s no way that unarmed humans could take down a lion. It’d be too fast and strong to ever just overpower it.

Oh, and the idea of midgets boxing a gorilla is… just… fucking… hilarious! But again, the midgets would have no chance.

IMO the better discussion would be gorilla vs lion.

Oh, and the best match of all would be either lion or gorilla against all you small motherfuckers pulling very very personal attacks on the internet. I’m not going to name names, but there were a couple of comments made in this thread that went way the fuck over the line and made me very glad to not know these people personally.

Yeah…Anything boxing a gorilla is awsome.

Ohh better yet, something fighting a full grown Grizzly bear, which btw is pound for pound the strongest mammal on earth. For it’s size it has absolutely incredible strength…and can run in excess of 35 mph for miles.


Bears possess enormous strength, regardless of species or size. The strength of a bear is difficult to measure, but observations of bears moving rocks, carrying animal carcasses, removing large logs from the side of a cabin, and digging cavernous holes are all indicative of enormous power. No animal of equal size is as powerful. A bear may kill a moose, elk, or deer by a single blow to the neck with a powerful foreleg, then lift the carcass in its mouth and carry it for great distances.

“The strength . . . is in keeping with his size,” describes Ben East in Bears. “He is a very powerfully built, a heavy skeleton overlaid with thick layers of muscle as strong as rawhide rope. He can hook his long, grizzly-like front claws under a slab of rock that three grown men could not lift, and flip it over almost effortlessly…” “… a brown [bear] … took a thousand-pound steer a half mile up an almost vertical mountain, much of the way through alder tangles with trunks three or four inches thick.”

Strength and power are not only the attributes of large bears but also of the young. The author observed a yearling American black bear, while searching for insects, turn over a flat-shaped rock (between 310 and 325 pounds) “backhanded” with a single foreleg. The bear was captured the following day in a management action and weighed 120 pounds.

taken from http://www.bowhunting.net/bearhunting.net/bear2.html