well, our go-karting got cut a little short because of the rain. durring the last run, there were some people that joined us: 2 girls that were ugly as sin, and 2 guys, one of which was a Vin Diesel wann-be and thought he was mr tough guy or something.
so after our second to last run, “Vin Diesel” made a comment after the times were posted that went something like this: “yeah, i would have won if these 4 punks that dont know shit about driving wern’t in my way” (the 4 people in front of him at the end were articzap, 84Supra, 01AudiS3, and 87Conquest). after our last run, 87Conquest made a half-hearted comment about how the girls were holding some people up, which they were.
so we get out to the parking lot, and “Vin Diesel” aka “Mr. Tough Guy” started shit with 87COnquest. some words were exchanged, threats to all of us were made, and 87COnquest got pushed around and a liuttle roughed up. we all got the hell out of there really fast.
jeez man, calm down. its fucking go karts. even though i wasnt the one getting bitched out, it pissed me off and ruined my evening. like i said, its fucking go karts, and even if some comments were made about each others group, let it go. he made a rude comment about us, and we didnt say anything even though we all heard it. the whole thing just pissed me off. a lot. im sure any1 that was there can vouch for what an ass this guy was and im sure it ruined a coupple other people’s evenings as well.
it wasnt worth some1 having a little sand in thier vagina and it was pouring rain and lighing, and i personally did not want to stand around and get soaking wet over something so stupid.
yeha but it wasnt me he was pissed at, and i think i would have started more troubble had i (or any of us) gotten involved. Obviously if 87COnquest started getting the shit pounded out of him i would have done something.
IMO, what 87Conquest should do, is go back to lasertron first thing tomorrow, get the guys info (they take all of that b4 u start AND get your picture) and explain the situation to them. he could easily file assult charges, and not only would he have 5 other whitnesses, but there was a security camera that got the whole thing on tape. case over. dumb ass looses.
one way or another, you guys didn’t handle your business - by calling the cops or taking care of it yourselves. and you even outnumbered them!
EDIT: you guys sound awful upset for having been the bigger man - regardless of what you drive. getting pushed around & not doing anything about it FTL :tdown:
the funny thing is, the wife & I left the cart track @ ~8:20… We saw the “Tough Guy” and his friends You speak of…
Keep in mind, I’ve never met You guys… But You damned sure shoulda stood up for Your boy. :lol:
Or were You skurred of the 20" rims on the Bonneville with a -10series tires? Cause Your “Vin Diesel type” wasnt much to look at. Course, maybe You guys are all midgets or something :gotme:
that deffinately wasnt them, i saw that car. these people prob didnt get there untill around 9:30 im guessing because they didnt start with us untill the 9:45 race.