some people just have to make a big deal....

Abosolutly-strength in numbers, fuck him up.

hrm, ill be there next time, this should be fun. Does the crazy 290lb Polak have to stand up for four people?

See what happens when im not there?


^tmw, 900 start, 6 races

tomorrow at 9 eh?


7/3, technically today-

Am I the only person that’s trying to guess what kind of car he drives?

“More than you can afford pal” lol I bet he is that type of douchebag

You let your friend get “roughed up”?


And it’s probably a 1992 318ti. hehehe

I was the only one to do something, and actually I was rather pissed at you guy’s for just walking away, while I was walking straight to him. Notice when I started walking toward him he started talking more shit. I am not a big guy by any means and this guy could have pounded on me like a rag-doll. But he was about to get 140Lbs. of furry, If (87ConquestTSi) hadn’t walked away as soon as I walked up to them. I would have rather got the shit kicked out of me than sat back and watched it happen to my friend. If it were any of you guy’s in that situation I would have stuck up for you too. I am not a hard ass I just don’t back down from anything. I don’t know how you guy’s could just walk away while that was happening. And I was gonna at least get one good hit in before I got walloped but shit… I think you guy’s would have just watched, and that is disappointing. I know who has my back now, ME. I would hope you reaction would be walking to help instead of away if that ever happens again.

^ Seriously, I dont even know you… but if i am somewhere with you, ie gokarting, that means i know you enough to make sure that you dont get your ass kicked. I am small, but i have fought quite a few people much larger than me just based on principal. (seriously, i just look small… they never expect to get what i have to deliver :wink: )

We were in a group of 6. Man you don’t’ even know… when I walked over to back him up and looked over my shoulder to see the 4 of them walking away, all I wanted to do was punch someone in the face and this guy was asking for it. It still pisses me off to think about it.

who did u see walkin backwards when u looked ova ur shoulder to make sure everything was still cool…if something more woulda have happened then that push, i woulda fuckin came right bak

yeah, i was just kinda standing there. i was waiting to see what was gonna happen. once he got shoved and some words were exhanged and people started walking away, then i started walking away because i figured it was pretty much done.

oh shit happens


damn, shitty situation.

i hate friends who dont get another’s back in situations like that. dont really consider them friends after that.

i mean when contact is made (push/shove/hit), i think its fair to say its go time… i dunno i guess thats just how i look at things. im not gonna stand there and wait til my buddy just received four or five blows to the face before i step in…

Wow…I wish I was there. Justin (87 conquest) is a good friend of mine…I would have slit the motherfuckers throat for touching him.



always back up ya boyz. In case my friends puss out, I always have “Louie”

wow quick edit, 87conquest is not the person im thinking of lol…but none the less…I would have hit the guy.