some people just have to make a big deal....

Meh, tee up to not fighting. Doesn’t do any good and it’s not like a Vin Diesel type of dude is anyone you need to prove anything to. :rolljerk:

Shitty move to leave a man hanging. End of story.

ouch that sucks. not good to see no back… BUT, if there were one or two of the dickheads, then it shoulda have been 1 or 2 of your group confronting. if your 1 or 2 started getting beat, then the others on your side should jump in to pull the guys off/end it.

never been a fan of uneven odds, but friends also should be watching your back. especially after a shove or some roughing up or whatever…

some think fighting is pointless, but look at it this way: if you DONT fight the guy, or let him know that you dont appreciate him being an ass, he’ll just keep acting that way forever. maybe, just maybe, after receiving an asskicking or 2 or 20, he might smarten up.

… before I laugh out loud…

how old?
how big?
how gay?

Really though, it isn’t about strength in numbers, and I never agree with jumping people with your posse… but you could have stood there and waited for someone to get beatup before stepping in. Or just fucking picked on the ugly chicks he was with… he would have had to attack all of you at that point… and I have this horrible feeling he would have whooped all your asses. I’ve been out numbered by kids just like you guys, and then they thought the 3-4 of them was enough to stop me… I was the Juggernaut bitch… after a couple hits it was 1 on 1 and the party was over for them. You guys have to find some balls…

There is a reason we were born with balls, testosterone, and adrenaline… so we could fight other guys with the same shit.

well…that, as well as reproduction

Wait… Your friend was being pushed around and “roughed up” and you watched???

Only one person stood up to two others who were on your friend.

I think Justin said it best.

Guess you know who your friends are.

Jack I can’t agree with you more. I hate the whole jumping thing as well, Friends should only jump in if someone else jumps in or if your getting your ass beat, to pull you away. It’s more of a “who’s more intimidating” game. Anytime somebody starts running their mouth, I don’t talk shit back I just say “well the shittalking’s outta the way”, so now they gotta either fight or walk away, and they walk away alot more times than they actually fight. You gotta realize the other guy doesnt know you either, but if he intimidates you and he can see it he’ll continue to do it even more, especially if he has an audience. But if he does decide to throw, you better know what your doing. And DON’T EVER BACK DOWN. Even if he’s bigger than me, I fight , cause the way I see it, he may or may not win, but hes gonna be FUCKED UP.

i didnt read all two pages of this but bottom line, if someone puts their hands on one of my buddies, it becomes my business. that kid should have been left laying in a puddle of his own blood.

hey… freddy fights-a-lot

lets tone it down :lol:

lolololol wrong guy, 87conquest is a different guy on the boards

Justin Marble is in tenesee for the Starquest National Meet, and i didnt have enough money to go along :frowning:

im so torn here. on one hand i want to laugh and make fun of you guys for being pussies, but on the other hand i want to laugh and make fun of the people replying for being tough guys.

My solution:

Everyone, excluding me, who has posted in this thread is a complete and total douchebag.

D R A M A… And Begin

I also want to say that you guys are pussies, but fighting is pretty stupid. It will most likely get you in trouble with the law, to some of you, having a felony on your record doesn’t matter, but others should watch out

ok, i kno im gonna piss people off by saying this, but here it goes:

the kid that was getting shoved around i have MET TWICE. if it was one of my best friends, i would have done exactly what justin (01AudiS4) did and got right in there. to be totally honest, i wasnt really too crazy about jumping in on a fight for some1 i don’t even really know. my friend that i broight (who is not even on the boards) felt the same way, and i don’t think he was actually ever intorduced to 87conquest (or any1 besides dave for that matter), so why they fuck would we fight for some1 that we barely even knew? Justin was getting in there and so was his other friend (dont remember his name) sticking up for him.

so go ahead and flame me for this, but i really see no point in jumping in a fight for some1 i dont even really know. if there was a huge brawl and Jusint, 78 conquest, and the other kid started getting the shit beat out of them, i would have gotten in there and im sure my friend and dave (articzap) would have as well. i just see no point in getting initially involved in something for soen1 that i barely know. go ahead and call me a pussy if you want.

you guys should have raced.

for the glory and the respect :tup:

newman I would have had your back dog :slight_smile:

haha. you are too subtle and sarcastic to own an fbody. :tup:

“Man, you know what your problem is? You got no juice.”

cock measuring contests make me laugh. just a 5 pound pull of the finger and i got the biggest cock of them all.
