42 midgets vs. 1 lion

i’d like to see you fight a grizzly bear then!

also yeah soo what if im a noob ive been to more meets in the past month then you have ever been to. yet i know bascly everybody with the exception of hundreds i dont. and trust me i have heard storys about you.

its ok jeg that you have a disorter it good to let people know so that when you do finially go to a meet we wont think your weird.

and lastly i do count that as a threat because you did say and i’ll quote this without a box soo you can edit it soo you wont get banned " dont you EVER pull that card again" soo what happens if i do? are you going to beat me up or something? i fully take that as a threat but i’ll let it slide because nyspeed is all you have since your calling me a noob. maybe its because i get out and go to meets and hang out with other nyspeeders. ohh and you fully just called me out to go down to akron and that is a full threat. i dont think i threatend you in any way all i did was make fun of you. and trust me i have been through the one busy street akron has which is broadway. filled with empty shopping plaza’s. and a McDonalds. and i know quite a few people out that way.

here wanna know one fact i know about you? you go to church in a trailer with indians that you claim to hate soo much also i’ll toss in another fact. i know you hate the indians and people with dark skin like afro americans.
