4508r 1105whp 38psi

Brett said it, it resists detonation better than C16 (or any other gasoline IMO)

ive already done it btw. hence why im asking questions. my tuner loves it but would rather c16 for a “kill mode” tune. thats why i asked. everybody has something different to say about the fuel, so i figured id ask you guys also. how much timing was in the car for the big pull?

Your tuner is uneducated on the benefits of E85 and/or does not know how to take advantage of them.

Well then…

he actually loves e85, we’ll see what happens.

If he insists that you need C16 for kill mode…find a new t00ner.


holy shit dude… sounds amazing!

This x11ty billion. The only reason you should use C16 for a killmode is if your fuel system can’t flow enough…

e85 > c16 everyday


e85 fanboice ITT

i haz bitch fuel system or i would haz e85


damnnnnnnnn that would break my neck if it hooks

Big shout out to Rick @ http://www.rpmenginesvt.com/index.php for building this engine in the early summer of 2005. Stood the test of time for sure! Best engine builder in the Northeast as far as I’m concerned.


Quite simply amazing.

richie, I cant make out what you said…


that worked for Raif lol, ended up with a 9.6 pass and some pissed off pple lol