450K Mile Corvette

Video is a little silly but it is still rather impressive.



Video is blank you butthole

You’re gonna get banned for that Sean lol.

Yeah… I f@cked something up…

Link instead. all better

cool video

cool find

Delucia’s dad would probably cringe at the thought of this lol

Psh, my 08 dodge sprinter has 215k+ on it. 450k on a car that old is pussy shit

Embed fixed.

you cant be serious :wtf

Dead serious. Driving down the road now at 215811. Truck was manufactured in late 07 and was put in our work fleet in spring of 08. I got the truck last year in April at 150k or so

Well daumn. Assuming you get about 15mpg, the Van has gone through nearly $45,000 worth of gas :wow

Did I do that right? 3$ a gallon gas, 15 thousand gallons?

Gets about 22, and it’s diesel. Think I paid $4.17 a gal this am. company gas card thank god.

~$34,204 assuming the average price of Diesel over the years was around $3.50

Dinosaur piss isn’t cheap over a life time of a vehicle.

LOL i just sent him the video


The guy has owned since new and this Vette has been his daily driver. That kind of mileage on a car with old technology as far as machining, engineering, materials, and understanding of metallurgy is quite an accomplishment considering most cars of this era were considered money pits and crushed just over 100k. Then consider what time does to rubber, metal, and fiberglass. Your sprinter is pussy as fuck. All sorts of cars go 200+ or even 300+k miles these days.