$46,644... for an oil change

Ironic that a middle eastern guy has to have his car sent to the UK to have the oil changed.

did you notice the oil change itself was $$6,644?? yea it was 40k to get it there but still


Perhaps the only act that could be more environmentally egregious than this is if he just threw out his exotic and bought a new one every 3,000 miles.
Now that is some baller shit. :wink:

i think they have a point about it being a total waste because that is true, what he does with his time and money are no matter to us except that he is contributing to the death of our planet in a big way, which we are all responsible for and showing us all how he spends our gas money

when i was getting work done on the car, they had an slr there… they were real cool bout it, they took the cover off and was going to let me sit in it(even though it was a customers car) but the doors were locked.

well… come to find out that just a REAR ONLY brake job is 50k for that car

have fun with that shit… but its sooooooooo sexy to see

“Perhaps the only act that could be more environmentally egregious than this is if he just threw out his exotic and bought a new one every 3,000 miles.”

I bet he’s mad he didn’t think of that.

Airport workers at Heathrow also blasted the owner’s excess after watching the car get the royal treatment on the runway. One commented, “This car doesn’t have a carbon footprint - more of a crater”

The irony of a guy who works at an airport saying that, where a 747 burns one gallon of fuel per second, is almost too much for me to absorb. I hope that guy gets run over by a Prius at which point the irony might actually cause my head to explode.

It’s one fucking car. They act like it’s single handedly destroying the planet.