Killer :tup:
I wanna wrench on this, let me know if you ever need help :tup:
thanks guys, youre welcome to stop by anytime.
on a side note, progress has come to a hault for a little while. wearing safety glasses did not prevent me from getting a piece of metal in my eye…had an optical surgeon get it out, have a check up next week to make sure its ok and i have an antibiotic to take 4 times a day…so im gonna take it easy for a while lol…but this gives me more time to work on the cad drawings for all the fishplates and bracketry that will be cut out for this.
I FINALLY remembered to check this out (cant see the pics from work).
SO fn good. Cant wait to see more progress. :tup:
fucking serious work there, awesome man. cant wait for more progress, hope the eye heals up for ya. just remember it coulda been a lot worse, at least you still got your eye.
This is me when I see projects like this. -----------> :bowdown:
Haha thanks guys, between waiting a month for my eye to heal and waiting on the machinist to cut out some stuff, I’ve finally been back at it on this. Got some good size updates to post end of the week
Bitchin’ man, get on it :tup:
Looking great…hopefully you get all healed up :tup:
In for progress.
Need any LED/interior lighting work done? Haha…
Seen this frame in person. Derek did a hell of a job on building this frame with great precision.
Dunno how I missed this before, but great progress. This looks like a fun long term project
Eh it looks alright =p
Derek seriously let me know whenever you need a hand with wrenching :tup:
Nice work, can’t wait to see the progress when I drop off your scan tool.
alright, been working full throttle on this.
the fishplates i had designed were finished this week so i got those and welded them in, finished the frame, set body back on, moved the whole jig and such back into the back bay of the garage, then started mocking up front suspension, which is now spring behind. i’m gonna need to make up some motor mounts and set the motor on the frame before i finalize any placement and welding on the front suspension though. speaking of motor, i bought another flathead and sold the one i had. this one is another 239, but it is in running condition. will be much easier and cheaper to rebuild.
on with the pics…
This thing is just badass!
Awesome build and the fabrication looks great. I helped a friend of mine build his 49 F1 this past summer. Slammed with a monte carlo front end an S10 rear. SBC, TH350 and a redone interior. Exterior is Range Rover Green. It drives really well and has the greatest option in it… AC!. Couple pics below. Good luck and I’ll be following the build.
this is going to be the most badass truck around here period
thanks guys, appreciate the feedback.
no photos yet, however i have been fabbing up some body mounts for the cab which i should be done with friday night. this weekend my goal is to fab up the motor mounts and get the engine mounted pictures soon when that happens
oh hai mr flathead.
working on the motor mounts…just propped up on blocks right now, had to trim a couple inches out of the firewall for belhousing clearance.