
It’s definitely 288, unless my math teachers have failed me.

Please excuse my dear aunt sally

I will do no such thing, she’s a bitch.


she is a whore!

PEMDAS!!! Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally, shes a horrible horrible slut

hehe !!

Its 2

its 288 *****

You do parenthesis first, then work left to right.

Just goes to show our education sucks. Fuck teacher unions.

Do it following your own damn rule.

I fucking hate math it was my worst subject in school.

im seriously getting 2

i mean, im not setting there saying PEMDAS PEMDAS, but im just looking at it and step by step breaking it down and its still 2 *****


Banned. I know what you tried to say. :number1 :rofl

would ya look at that

288 You always work what is in the parentheses first then work on multipication/division/etc. PEMDAS BITCHES.

thats right you know what i tried to say, and i said it outloud behind my pc screen but no one could hearme

hey nice smart car bro

Honestly though I think it really matters when and where you were taught math. I know when I was in school they were switching the entire math curriculum and we were taught multiplication/division and problems a lot differently then previous classes.

This is how we were taught to multiply: