4g63. putting everything back onto the motor?

idk i someone who owns one and he’s never had a problem with it. ever. as long as he does the maitnence to it i dont think he’ll ever have a problem with it.

who wants to buy me DSM link so i can get a bigger turbo :stuck_out_tongue: lol

Don’t need dsmlink for a bigger turbo. Drew did pretty well with a crap ass keydiver chip and an oldskewl Maft.

wont it make the car run like shit?

i was told it would fuck everything up with the air and fuel ratios and everything and it was bad for the motor

Dunno who told you that… As long as your fuel system is up to par for the setup you plan on running, the keydiver chip just needs to be burned to compensate for w/e injectors youve upgraded to. From there its more or less just a matter of WOT tuning.

But by far, dsmlink is about 100x’s better.

im poor dsm link is 545 dollars out of my range.

lol. I broke a lifter!!


easy fix. had it running in a few hours after that. PS. Dont miss shifts and over rev.


then use that


ok i downloaded it and now how do you work it? like i have no idea what im looking at. how do i get this info into my ecu?

is there a read me file on how to use this? im not even sure what it is. all i know is i want a big turbo :smiley:

just delete all that crap. You dont need it, it’ll just confuse you.

ok so what do i need?

and people wonder why so many DSM’s break…

sorry i cant afford one let alone 3. like you lol. you go to fredonia eh. i go there pretty much every weekend for indoor track. nxt time imma take a look for your cars.

none of them are on campus.

My suggestion, dont get over your head. read read read, there are a ton of local DSM guys who know their shit, so when you cant find the answer somewhere online ask on wnydsm or rochesterdsm. but dont go modding things on your car that you dont understand how they work in and out.

haha, it’s true. When I got my first talon, I knew nothing about 4 cylinder imports. By the time I had my second one, I could’ve disassembled the motor blindfolded with one hand and used my other hand to slap babies in the face because I’m busting my knuckles from every goddamn bolt that breaks off.

Have fun with it :smiley:

lol yeah i understand what both of you are saying. i get the concept of the motor parts and stuff. i just dont know what goes where on the motor. i understand when uprgading the turbo i need better injectors and a new fuel pump, and because of those things and the added air the turbo gets/needs you need an engine management program to help the car balance out everything so it runs good like it should or else it’ll run like shit. im just wondering if theres a cheaper way than to get dsmlink because its really fucking expensive

Just made me laugh. not too many people can call that an actual accomplishment. LOL

hey man, in a DSM making over 450whp that IS an accomplishment. I was very proud of my car and called all my friends to brag about it. lol

it’ll be an accomplishment for me to get my car drivable. lol