5.0 Vert>* Me

So last night i met up with a buddy that said he was gonna destroy me and it was a waste of his time to even bother racing my wintaa beataaa teg against his hott a$$ red vert with saleen wing lowered on chrome cobra r’s and i agrued with him that i wouldent be a waste. so we go from a 25 roll on some road in the sticks- 3beeps i pull a half car right away,shift into second here he comes back to my door by the time i top out 2nd,I hit 3rd hes got a fender on me… im pulling as i go through 3rd, top of 3rd i have a fender on him and i hit 4th and still keep my fender lead…all the way through 4th he cam back and got me by just under a full car…his bumper was @ my front fender. So far this was the best race of the year for me:tup: he was impressed with my low compression NA mota Skillz and lost a lil bit of the mentality :lol:.MODS to the stang were full BBK exhaust and short shifta…tegs mods are I/H/E and and a low compression bottom end.

either way great run:tup:

Was the dudes name Charlie with the Mustang? I know someone with that identical car…

his name is Dean and the kid that used to own the car was brian stanik…hes got a little sister bout 20 years old with an amazing ass

:tup: good run Brian

Nice run, and you must be talking about Renee :lol:

Time to hook up a snky 50 shot and run him again :smiley:

yes i am talking about her…omfg i used to stare @ her ass all day long back in the day when i was in 8th grade:lol: she has 1 of the nicest asses around for a girl that is like 5’2 100lbs.

no need for the snky 50shot i will be getting the car street tuned soon hopefully. i think that will help me a little bit

A picture of this ass would be great… :wink:

i know it would but i dont have any :frowning:

Nice run bri, i new it’d be a close race, i thought u’d get him though…

i think that douch lives around the corner from me …

nice job :tup:

Winta Beataaaa Powaaa

i still wanna run him

i think he has more done, ported maidold/pulleysthat thing shouldnt be hittin mid-low 14’s

where do you get mid to low 14’s?
@ best his car would pull a 14.9 and i dont think id touch 14’s but i guess we will find out

if i ran 15.2 with a 2.4 60ft and you can pull 2-3 cars on me??? and he pulls you? this is getting confusing